Zoology Practical |2nd year | BSc| T.U.

Study Of Museum Specimen Of Myxine Glutinosa with Comment & Diagram

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Myxine has a wide distribution along sea coasts of both Atlantic and Pacific Oceans occuring in the waters of Northern Europe. etc. CHARACTERS:

Codynn Codynn 1 Min Read

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Study Of Museum Specimen Of Protopterus with Comment & Diagram

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Protopterus has a wide distribution over the middle portion of the great African continent ranging from the river

Study Of Museum Specimen Of Polypterus with Comment & Diagram

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Polypterus is found in the rivers of tropical Africa, the Nile, Nigeria and Congo, Palezoic and recent, but

Study Of Museum Specimen Of Chimaera with Comment & Diagram

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Chimaera occurs off the coasts of Europe from Norway to Portugal including the Mediterranean and also in the

Study Of Museum Specimen Of Pristis with Comment & Diagram

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Pristis is found in Mediterranean and Atlantic oceans particularly in America, West Indies, China and Gulf of Mexico.