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Lepidosteus inhabits the fresh waters of North America.
i) Lepidosteus is commonly known as gar-pike.
ii) Body is elongated and cylindrical.
iii) Scales are rhombic thick, ganoin-coated and articulated·
iv) Dorsal and anal fins are short and far behind the pelvic fins.
v) Caudal fin is semi- heterocercal.
vi) Both the upper and lower jaws are elongated, forming a long tapering beak.
vii) Nostrils are placed at the anterior end of the beak.
viii) Eyes are small, teeth are numerous, slender and of unequal size.
ix) Vertebrae are opisthocoelous, a unique feature.
x) It is voracious fish, preying upon small fishes.
xi) The air-bladder is used as a lung and air is gulped through the mouth
– Used as food and as aquarium fish.