Model Question Grade: XI (Computer Science)

3 Min Read

Group ‘A’

Select and write in your answer sheet the most appropriate option from the following multiple choice questions.     [9 × 1 = 9]

1. The following symbol represents which logic gate?

i) OR ii) NOT iii) AND iv) NAND

2. This memory lies between the main memory and the processor.

i) Registers ii) Cache memory iii) Hard Disk iv) ROM

3.Which one is secondary memory?

i) Pen drive ii) CD i ii) BD iv) All options

4. In Ms Word, the shortcut key for ‘SELECT ALL’ is ______.

i) CTRL + A ii) CTRL + C iii) CTRL + X iv) CTRL + Y

5. In the case of Boolean algebra, the value of (A+1) is:

i) 0 ii) 1 iii) A iv) None

6. 2’s complement of (1010)2 is:

i) (0100)2 ii) (1011)2 iii) (0110)2 iv) (1001)2

7. What is the value of (0.73)8 in (?)2

i)  (0.111100)2 ii) (0.111010)8 iii) (0.111011)8 iv) (0.101011)2

8. Which one is the primary data type used in C programming?

i) array ii) char iii) structure iv) All options

9. PROM stands for:

i) Permanent Read Only Memory ii) Personal Read Only Memory

iii) Programmed Read Only Memory iv) Programmable Read Only Memory

Group ‘B’

Short answer questions: [5 × 5 = 25]

10. Write the Comparisons between 3rd and 4th generation of computer. [2.5+2.5]


Define decimal number system and convert (456.745)10 into (?)8    [1+4]

11. What is RAM? Write difference between SRAM and DRAM.   [5]

12. What is Mobile Computing? Explain different advantages and disadvantages of Mobile Computing.       [1+4]


Define 1’s complement method. Subtract (1011001)2 from (10110)2 using 1’s and 2’s complement method.      [1+4]

13. Define data types in ‘C’ and write a program to input a number and print the square and cube of the number.       [1+4]

14. State and prove De Morgans’ Law using logic diagrams and truth tables. [2.5+2.5]

Group ‘C’

Long answer questions:     [2 x 8 = 16]

15. Explain memory and different types of Primary memory of computer system in details. [8]


Explain computer architecture with block diagram and functions of its components.

16. Explain AND, X-OR, NAND and NOR rates with logic function, graphical symbol, truth table and Venn diagram. [8]

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