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Comments of Cyclops (female)
Cyclops is commonly found in Europe, Asia, U.K. ,USA, India, Sri lanka and Myanmar.
Habit and Habitat:-
Cyclops is free- swimming copepod found everywhere in fresh and brackish water.
General character:
1) Body of cyclops is elongated or pear-shaped, broad anterior and narrow posterior end, measuring 1.5 to 5 mm in length.
2) First thoracic segment is fused with the head forming the cephalothorax which is covered dorsally by carapace.
3) Single median eye is present on the dorsal surface of the carapace.
4) Five thoracic segments, the last segment bears the genital aperture.
5) Antennae are relatively short and uniramous.
6) Sex is separate.
Economic Importance:
Cyclops is an intermediate host of dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease).
They are a part of the ecological system.
Diagram of Cyclops (female)

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