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Comments of Tulus
Tulus is cosmopolitan in distribution. It is found in India, Europe and U.S.A.
Habit and Habitat:-
Tulus is found hidden usually in dark and damp places under stones or wood or in decaying leaves.
General character
1) Tulus is commonly called millipede on wireworms Body is elongated and cylindrical.
2) Body is divisible into the head, thorax and abdomen.
3) Poison claws are absent.
4) Sexes are separate.
5) Head consists of five segments, the thorax of your segments and the abdomen of 20-100 segments.
6) Thoracic segments with one pair of legs in each, while abdominal segments bear two pairs of legs.
Economic importance
They are important in maintaining the ecological balance in non-leguminous vegetable ecosystems.
Diagram of Tulus