Looping in Qbasic

3 Min Read

A loop is a set of instructions that is repeated until a certain result is achieved. Loops are used to run a group of instructions repeatedly until a certain condition is satisfied. The QBasic programming language supports the following sorts of loops to fulfill looping needs:

A loop is a series of instructions that are repeated until the desired result is obtained. Loops are used to run a set of instructions again and over until a condition is met. The QBasic programming language supports the following sorts of loops to fulfill looping needs:

● FOR…NEXT loop

The FOR…NEXT statement is used to run a series of statements a specified number of times. When you know precisely how many times you need to run the loop, it’s usually utilized as a counter loop.

Fact = 1
INPUT " Enter a number "; n
FOR j = 1 TO n
Fact = Fact * j
PRINT “Factorial is “; Fact


When a condition is true, the WHILE statement executes a block of statements continually. If the condition is true, the WHILE statement executes the body of the loop, and the loop ends when the condition is false.

INPUT "enter any number "; num
n = num
sum = 0
WHILE num <> 0
r = num MOD 10
num = num \ 10
sum = sum + (r ^ 3)
IF n = sum THEN
PRINT "It is Armstrong "
PRINT "It is not Armstrong "

Do While loop:

A do-while loop is a control flow statement that executes a block of code at least once before continuing or interrupting it based on a Boolean condition at the block’s end.

c = 1
DO WHILE c <= 10
    PRINT c
    c = c + 1

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