Botany 1st Year : Practicals & Resources | AllBachelor

Study Of Lichens With Comment And Diagram

 COMMENTS ON LICHENS Morphological structure of lichens Asco-lichen i) Crustose lichen: The thallus of crustose lichen is poorly developed. It penetrates the substratums by the

Codynn Codynn 1 Min Read

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Study of Peziza Fungi: Diagrams & Comments

COMMENTS ON PEZIZA Cup-fungi It is most known as cup-fungi, easily recognized

Study of Albugo Fungi: Structure, Diagram & Comments

COMMENTS ON ALBUGO Obligate parasite Albugo is an obligate parasite in the

Study of Marsilea Pteridophyta: Diagrams & Comments

COMMENTS ON MARSILEA Habit It is a hydrophilic or amphibious plant dwelling