It is most known as cup-fungi, easily recognized by its large sized fleshy cup shaped apothecia. It is a saprophytic fungus growing crowded together on dung, decaying humus or wood.
Vegetative structure
The somatic body of peziza grows within the substratum in mycelial form, so remains invisible from outside. The mycelia is well developed network of septate hyphae that ramify extensively within its living substrate.
Reproductive structure
The mycelia gives rise to a small cup or saucer shaped fruiting body called apothecium. The young apothecium is a small, sessile spherical organ with a small apical opening but becomes cup-shaped when matured.
V.S. through apothecium
(i) Hymenium layer:
It is a fertile layer lining inside the cup.
ii)Sub hymenium layer:
It lies below the hymenium layer and consists of light coloured ascogenous hyphae running parallel to the hymenium layer.
iii) Excipulum:
The external large portion of apothecium is made up of compactly interwoven pseudoparenchymatous hyphae.