
507 Articles

Study Of Fungi Of Puccinia With Comment And Diagram

COMMENTS ON PUCCINIA Disease symptoms i) obligate parasite: Puccinia is an obligate

Study of Peziza Fungi: Diagrams & Comments

COMMENTS ON PEZIZA Cup-fungi It is most known as cup-fungi, easily recognized

Study of Aspergillus with Structure, Comments & Diagram

COMMENTS ON ASPERGILLUS Culture of Aspergillus Keep the bread in a petri

Study of Albugo Fungi: Structure, Diagram & Comments

COMMENTS ON ALBUGO Obligate parasite Albugo is an obligate parasite in the

Study of Marsilea Pteridophyta: Diagrams & Comments

COMMENTS ON MARSILEA Habit It is a hydrophilic or amphibious plant dwelling

Study Of Pteridophyta Of Pteris With Comment And Diagram

COMMENTS ON PTERIS Habit Pteris is a cosmopolitan pteridophyte widely growing as

Study Selaginella Pteridophyta: Diagram & Comments

COMMENTS ON SELAGINELLA Habit Selaginella is a cosmopolitan, perennial herb Mostly confined

Study of Lycopodium Pteridophyta: Diagram & Comments

COMMENT ON LYCOPODIUM Habit i) Club moss: Lycopodium is a cosmopolitan, evergreen,