Comments of Wuchereria Bancrofti
Wuchereria bancrofti is widely distributed in tropical and sub-tropical countries in the world.
Habit and Habitat:
Wuchereria bancrofti is found as a parasite in the lymph glands or ducts of man.
General character:
1.Wuchereria is the most important human parasite in the lymph glands.
2.Adult women are creamy white in color, filiform and cylindrical in shape with both ends tapering and terminating bluntly.
3.Mouth is unarmed and devoid of buccal capsule.
4.Male is about 40 mm in length with the caudal and curved like the tendril of vine
5. Microfilaria is long cylindrical, provided with a striated cuticle.
6. Culex mosquito serves as an intermediate but which sucks the blood along with microfilariae from the infected host.
7.Wuchereria bancrofti causes a serious disease known as filariasis or wuchereriasis.
Economic Importance:
It causes lymphatic filariasis in human.
Diagram of Wuchereria Bancrofti