Comments of Tubifex
Tubifex is found in U.S.A
Habit and Habitat:
Tubifex is a fresh water form, occurs in patches on the muddy bottom in the freshwater ponds and lakes. The animal lives in tubes made up of mud and minerals glued together by mucin.
General characters:
1. Tubifex is a small slender worm, measuring about 4 cm in length and reddish in color.
2. Each body segment except the last few are provided with four bundles of setae on the dorsal and ventral sides.
3. Setae Forked and hair-like in dorsal bundles and only forked in Ventral bundles.
4. Hermaphrodite.
5. Clitellum is formed in the 11th and 12th segments.
6. Contractile heart is found in the 8th segment.
7. No asexual reproduction.
8. Sexual reproduction is very common.
Economic Importance:
Tubifex worm are often used as a live food for fish, especially tropical fish and certain other freshwater species.
Diagram of Tubifex