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Urostyle of Frog
i) It is the Xth vertebra representing the caudal region.
ii) It is long and triangular with pointed opex directed backwards.
iii) Centrum is long, rod like with broad anterior end bearing two concavities
Anterior caudal vertebra of Varanus
i) The centrum is strongly procoelous.
ii) Neural spine is long, pointed and backwardly directed.
iii) Pre and postzygapophysis are well-developed.
Posterior caudal vertebra of Varanus
i) It resembles the anterior caudal vertebra.
ii) Two nodules are found below the center.
iii) Absence of chevron bone.
Free caudal vertebra of Fowl
i) It is small.
ii) Centrum is heterocoelous but small.
iii) Pre and post zygapophyses are absent.
iv) Neural spine is small and bifid.
Pygostyle of Fowl
i) It is the last vertebrae caudal region.
ii) It is commonly known as plough-share.
iii) It supports the rectrices.