Ninth vertebrae of Frog
i) It is also known as sacral vertebra.
ii) Centrum is biconvex.
iii) Anterior convexity fits into the posterior concavity of the 8th vertebra.
Second sacral vertebra of Varanus
i) It is similar to the 1st sacral vertebra.
ii) Centrum is short and strongly procoelous.
iii) Neural spine is small and crest-like.
iv) Pre and post zygapophyses are well- developed.
First sacral vertebra of Varanus
i) It is a stout and strong vertebra giving support to the pelvic girdle.
ii) The centrum is short and strongly procoelous.
iii) The neural spine is small and crest-like.
Synsacrum of Fowl
i) It is a compound structure formed by the fusion of 14 to 16 vertebrae.
ii) Six vertebrae of the lumbar region fused together with the last thoracic vertebrae.
iii) Two sacral vertebrae lie behind the lumbars and fused with them.
Sacrum of Rabbit
i) It is formed by the fusion of four sacral vertebrae.
ii) Neural spine is large and directed backward.
iii) Pre and post zygapophyses are present.