Comments of Ascaris
Ascaris is cosmopolitan in distribution. It’s especially found in India, China, Philippines, Korea and the Pacific Islands.
Habit and Habitat:
Ascaris Lumbricoides is a common endoparasite in the small intestine of man in all parts of the world.
General character:
1. Ascaris lumbricoides is commonly known as roundworm.
2. Body is elongated, cylindrical pointed at both ends.
3. Mouth provides with a median dorsal and a pair of symmetrical submedian ventral lips.
4.Male is about 15 to 31 cm in length with the posterior end curved ventrally.
5. Female is large, reaching a length of 20 to 35 cm with the posterior and straight and blunt.
6. Female genital aperture lies about one-third of the length of the body from the anterior.
Economic Important of Ascaris:
It causes Ascariasis disease in human.
Diagram of Ascaris

male and female ascaris