Study of museum specimen Of Spongilla (Porifera) with Comments and Diagram

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Comment of Spongilla

Habit and Habitat of the Spongilla: 

A colonial sponge is called Spongilla. It is widely distributed in ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams, where it grows on submerged plants and sticks. 


1. The most well-known freshwater sponge is arguably the spongeilla. 

2. Due to the presence of zoochlorellae, the spongilla colony is heavily branched and displays a range of green colors. 

3. The body wall is made up of multiple osculates and a very thin dermal membrane containing dermal holes called ostia. 

4. There is a rhagon type canal system. 

5. The skeleton is made up of siliceous spicules that are implanted in the spongin as a network of smooth and spiny big and tiny areas. 

6. Reproduction both asexual and sexual. Asexual reproduction by gemmules.

Economic Importance:

  1. They are employed in the manufacture of medications. 
  2. They serve as a shelter that protects animals. 
  3. For washing, polishing, and other purposes, dried fibrous/Skeleton is used.

Diagram of Spongilla(Porifera)

Study of museum specimen Spongilla (Porifera)
Study of museum specimen Spongilla (Porifera)
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