Create a flowchart and an algorithm of different programs part five(5)

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41. Create a flowchart and an algorithm to display simple interest


Step 1: Start

Step 2: input Principal, Time, Rate. (P, T, R)

Step 3: I = P * T *R / 100

Step 4: Print “ Simple Interest “ I

Step 5: Stop/End 


Create a flowchart to display simple interest
Create a flowchart to display simple interest

42. Create a flowchart and an algorithm to input number as paisa and convert into rupees only.


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input Paisa. (P)

Step 3: RS = P / 100

Step 4: Print “ Rupees value = “ RS

Step 5: Stop/End


Create a flowchart convert paisa into rupees only.
Create a flowchart convert paisa into rupees only.

43. Create a flowchart and an algorithm to input selling price and cost price calculate profit or loss percentage.


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input cost price and selling price (cp, sp)

Step 3: If cp > sp Then

GoTo Step 4

Else if cp < sp GoTo Step 5

Else GoTo Step 6

Step 4: LP = ((cp – sp) / cp) * 100

GoTo Step 7

Step 5: PP = ((sp – cp) / cp) * 100

GoTo Step 8

Step 6: Print Neither Profit or Loss

GoTo Step 9

Step 7:Print Loss Percentage is : LP

GoTo Step 9

Step 8: Print Profit Percentage is : PP

Step 9: Stop/End


Create a flowchart to input selling price and cost price calculate profit or loss percentage
Create a flowchart to input selling price and cost price calculate profit or loss percentage

44. Create a flowchart and an algorithm to input the day and display whether the day is Saturday or not.


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input the today’s day. d

Step 3: If d = “SATURDAY”

GoTo Step 4

Else GoTo Step 5 

Step 4: Print “ Today is Saturday “ 

GoTo Step 6

Step 5: Print “ Today is Not Saturday ”

Step 6: Stop/End


Create a flowchart input the day and display whether the day is Saturday or not.
Create a flowchart input the day and display whether the day is Saturday or not.

45. Create a flowchart and an algorithm to ask quantity of pen, copy and pencil and their rate and find out the total amount.


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input Quantity and Rate Pen, Copy and Pencil. (QP, RP, QC, RC, QPC, RPC)

Step 3: TA = ( QP * RP ) + ( QC * RC ) + ( QPC * RPC )

Step 5: Print “ Total Amount = “ TA

Step 6: Stop/End


Create a flowchart to ask quantity of pen, copy and pencil and their rate and find out the total amount.
Create a flowchart to ask quantity of pen, copy and pencil and their rate and find out the total amount.

46. Create a flowchart and an algorithm to convert decimal number to octal number.


Step 1: Start

Step 2: input Decimal Number(D)

Step 3: While D < > 0

If True GoTo Step 4

Else GoTo Step 7

Step 4:  R = D MOD 8

Step 5: S = str(R) + S

Step 6: D / 8

GoTo Step 3

Step 7: Print “Octal Equivalent Number is” S

Step 8: Stop/End


Create a flowchart to convert decimal number to octal number.
Create a flowchart to convert decimal number to octal number.

47. Create a flowchart and an algorithm to ask a number and find the sum of cube numbers.


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input Any Number. ( N )

Step 3: S = 0

Step 4: While N<>0

If True GoTo Step 5

Else GoTo Step 9

Step 5: R = N MOD 10 

Step 6: If R MOD 2 = 1

If True GoTo Step 7

Else GoTo Step 8 

Step 7: S = S + R ^ 3

Step 8: N = N \ 10

  GoTo Step 4

Step 9: Print “ Sum Of Cube Of Odd Digits “ S

Step 5: Stop/End


Create a flowchart find the sum of cube numbers.
Create a flowchart find the sum of cube numbers.

48.Create a flowchart and an algorithm to print 1 10 101 1010 10101


Step 1: Start

Step 2: For i = 1; i<=5; i  =i + 1

  For j = 1 ; i<=1; j = j +1

If true GoTo Step 3

Else GoTo Step 4

Step 3: Print j MOD 2

GoTo Step 4

Step 4: Stop/End


Create a flowchart to print 1 10 101 1010 10101
Create a flowchart to print 1 10 101 1010 10101

49. Create a flowchart and an algorithm to find the sum of all natural numbers from 1 to 100.

Algorithm :

Step 1: Start

Step 2: For I = 1 To 100

If True GoTo Step 3

Else GoTo Step 4

Step 3: S = S + I

GoTo Step 2

Step 4: Print “ Sum of All Natural Number from 1 to 100 “ S

Step 5: Stop/End


Create a flowchart to find the sum of all natural numbers from 1 to 100.
Create a flowchart to find the sum of all natural numbers from 1 to 100.

50. Create a flowchart and an algorithm to generate the following series 1 121 12321 1234321 123454321.


Step 1: Start

Step 2: A = 1

Step 3: for i = 1; i <= 5; i = i + 1

If True GoTo Step 4

Else GoTo Step 6

Step 4: Print A ^ 2

Step 5: A = A * 10 + 1

Step 6: Stop/End


Create a flowchart to generate the following series 1 121 12321 1234321 123454321.
Create a flowchart to generate the following series 1 121 12321 1234321 123454321.
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