Technical Terms for SEE Nepal: Computer Glossary

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  1. A card through which a computer is connected to the network. →NIC (Network Interface    Card)   Supplementary Examination 2071
  2. A card used to connect network cable to computer. → NIC (Network Interface Card) Supplementary Examination 2066
  3. A communication mode where data transmit only in one direction. → Simplex mode Bhaktapur Pabson 2071
  4. A company which provides the internet facilities.→ ISP(Internet service provider) SLC 2072,SLC 2070, Supplementary Examination 2067
  5. A computer in a network which can provide services to other computer→ Server SLC 2070
  6. A computer virus that damages the documents created in MS-Word and MS-Excel.→ Macro virus Supplementary Examination 2068
  7. A computer which provides services to other computers in a network.→  Server SLC 2072
  8. A device which can convert analog signal to digital codes and vice versa.→ MODEM Supplementary Examination 2067
  9. A main computer in the computer network. → Server SLC 2068
  10. A network of computer formed by using cables.→ Local Area Network(LAN)  Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2070
  11. A person who seeks and exploits weakness in a computer system or computer network → Hacker Bhaktapur Pabson 2071
  12. A person who steals or destroys other’s data, information and program→ Hacker SLC 2070, SLC 2072
  13. A program that can disinfect a file from virus → Antivirus Software SLC 2070,SLC 2072
  14. A program that effect the normal functioning of computer.→ Computer Virus SLC 2068
  15. A program that is attached to other programs.→ Computer Virus Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2067
  16. A secret code that gives the user to access particular program and system.→ Password Supplementary Examination 2065,SLC 2069
  17. A set of moral principal that regulate the use of computers.→ Protocols Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2069
  18. A set of rules and procedures that govern transmission of messages → Protocol Supplementary Examination 2070
  19. A set of rules that governs how computer exchange information over computer network. →Protocol SLC 2067
  20. A spare copy of important program or document. →  Backup  Supplementary Examination 2069
  21. A technology that makes teaching-learning easier in a classroom.→ CAL (Computer Aided Learning) Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2068
  22. A type of computer virus that infects user’s documents → Macro virus Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2071
  23. A virus that infects boot record.→ Boot sector virus Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2068
  24. A virus that infects executable file or program.→ Program virus Bhaktapur Pabson 2071
  25. An artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. → Virtual Reality Bhaktapur Pabson 2071
  26. An electronic device that supply electronic current when electricity is cut off.→ UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) Supplementary Examination 2067
  27. An integrations of audio, video, graphics and text. → Multimedia SLC 2067, SLC 2071
  28. An internet tool that helps to upload/download the file.→ FTP (File Transfer Protocol) SLC 2067
  29. Business through internet.→ E-commerce SLC 2069
  30. Buying and selling good through internet.→ E-commerce Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2068, cdc model question
  31. Buying and selling product and services online.→ E-commerce SLC 2071
  32. Cabling structure of LAN.→ Topology Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2067
  33. Device used for power protection.→ Volt guard Supplementary Examination 2066
  34. Device which boots the strength of the received signal and retransmits it.→ Repeater Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2066
  35. Hub or switch based network topology.→ Star topology Supplementary Examination 2068
  36. It can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender or the signer of a document. Digital Signature Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2069
  37. It is a protocol which helps in bypassing the phone calls using computer. VOIP(Voice over Internet Protocol) Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2069
  38. Law that governs the legal issue related to Internet. → Cyber law Supplementary Examination 2069
  39. Learning through electronic media. → CAL (Computer Aided Learning) Supplementary Examination 2070
  40. Making an extra copy of data and software.→ Backup Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2067, Supplementary Examination 2066
  41. Making duplicate copy of file for security purpose.→ Backup SLC 2067
  42. Network of networks. Internet Supplementary Examination 2071, Supplementary Examination 2065, Supplementary Examination 2067
  43. Network sharing and exchanging information between different people. Computer network Supplementary Examination 2070
  44. Number of bits transfer per second using network.→ Bandwidth Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2066
  45. One of the cheapest services provided by the internet.→ E-mail. Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2070
  46. Online mail service through internet.→ E–mail  Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2067
  47. Physical layout of LAN.  → Topology  Supplementary Examination 2071, SLC 2069
  48. Physical layout of network. →Network topology Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2069
  49. Program used to detect and eliminate computer virus.→ Anti-virus  Supplementary Examination 2066
  50. Secret group of character which helps to protect file from unauthorized   person. Password Supplementary Examination 2070
  51. Security measures in which eye vision is used in authentication. → Biometrics Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2071
  52. Small program that can replicate itself without knowledge of user.→ Computer Virus. Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2070
  53. Technology that allows combining text, sound, video etc.→ Multimedia technology Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2068
  54. The amount of data transmitted per second through a communication channel. → Bandwidth Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2071
  55. The artificial environment created by computer technology to entertain user.→ Virtual Reality Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2066
  56. The data carrying capacity of communication channel.→ Bandwidth Supplementary Examination 2068, SLC 2071
  57. The device used to connect PC with telephone line. → MODEM SLC 2068
  58. The method of consolidating fragmented files on the computers.  Defragmentation Supplementary Examination 2069
  59. The moral principle related to cyber space.→ Computer ethics Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2071
  60. The moral principles that control cybercrime.→ Computer ethics Supplementary Examination 2071
  61. The moral principles that control cyber-crime.→ Cyber law Supplementary Examination 2068
  62. The moral principles that control cybercrime.→ Computer ethics SLC 2071
  63. The process of restoring encrypted data to its original form. →Backup Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2070
  64. The rules and regulations to systematize the computer related technology.→ Cyber law Supplementary Examination 2065
  65. The rules that make the network communication possible.→ Protocol SLC 2068
  66. The software that protects computer virus.→ Antivirus Software SLC 2069
  67. Type of network architecture that doesn’t specify a server and workstation.→ Peer-to-Peer Network Send Up Kathmandu Pabson 2066
  68. Use of Internet to buy and sell goods and services.→ E-commerce Supplementary Examination 2065
  69. A type of network in which every computer works as both client and server.→ Peer-to-peer network SEE examination 2073
  70. Protocol used to receive e-mail from the mail server. .→ Post office protocol(POP) SEE examination 2073
  71. The moving graphic images.→ Animation SEE examination 2073
  72. The law that controls cyber crime- .→ Cyber crime SEE examination 2073
  73. A program that can disinfect a file from virus. .→ Antivirus SEE examination 2072
  74. Technique of providing governance information and services though internet. .→ E-governance Kathmandu Pabson examination 2072
  75. Message sent electronically through computer network → E-mail Kathmandu Pabson examination 2072
  76. Software that obtains information from user’s computer without the user’s knowledge or consent → Computer virus Kathmandu Pabson examination 2072
  77. Two way of mode of communication → Duplex mode Kathmandu Pabson examination 2072
  78. The legal issues adopted by the government to minimize the computer crime. → Cyber law Lalitpur Pabson examination 2072
  79. The virus that deletes the file having the extension .exe,.sys and .com → File infecting virus Lalitpur Pabson examination 2072
  80. A network serving a single organization or site that is modeled after the internet. → Intranet Lalitpur Pabson examination 2072
  81. A topology in which all the nodes are connected in a single communication line – Bus topology Lalitpur Pabson examination 2072
  82. The world wide network of computer → Internet Kathmandu N-Pabson examination 2072
  83. Rules and regulations for interconnections in network → Protocol Kathmandu N-Pabson examination 2072
  84. Two way communication mode → Duplex mode Kathmandu N-Pabson examination 2072
  85. A virus that corrupt system file of operating system → Boot sector virus Kathmandu N-Pabson examination 2072
  86. A fast application level protocol widely used for copying files to and fro from remote computer system on a network using TCP/IP. → File transfer protocol Sedips examination 2072
  87. A computer programs that scans a computer’s memory and mass storage to identify, isolate and eliminate threats and viruses. → Antivirus Software Sedips examination 2072
  88. The process of converting encrypted data back into its original form. → Decryption Sedips examination 2072
  89. The impression of movement created by displaying a sequence of images at a reasonable speed of real events. → Animation Sedips examination 2072
  90. Stopping computer crime and abuse → Cyber law SOS examination 2072
  91. The display of still frame pictures or photos on a computer screen. → Desktop wallpaper SOS examination 2072
  92. Number of bits transferred per second using a network medium → Bit SOS examination 2072
  93. The smallest amount of information which may be stored in a computer → F SOS examination 2072
  94. A  device that connects two different networks. router
  95. A 3-D simulated environment. Virtual Reality
  96. A battery supported power unit between and external power source and a computer system which supplies clean and continuous power even during power failures. UPS
  97. A card that connect a computer within a networking cable.NIC
  98. A card through which a computer is connected on a network. Network Interface Card
  99. A card used to connect network cable to computer: NIC
  100. A class of program that searches your hard drive and floppy disks for any known or potential viruses. Antivirus
  101. A code that mutates while keeping the original algorithm intact. Polymorphic virus
  102. A collection of millions of computers: internet
  103. A collection of related data of a person or anything is known as database.
  104. a collection of user-submitted notes or messages on various subjects that are posted to servers on a worldwide network.: Usenet
  105. A communication media which use light to carry a data signal through the cable. Fiber optics
  106. A communication system connecting two or more computer that work together to exchange information and share resources. Computer Network
  107. A company that provides internet facility. ISP
  108. A company that provides internet services to the users. ISP
  109. A company which gives us the facility to gain access to the Internet against a fee. ISP
  110. A complicated virus that affects data types and functions. It is a self encrypted virus designed to avoid detection by a scanner. Polymorphic virus
  111. A component of the Internet that presents information in a graphical interface. World Wide Web
  112. A computer circuit board or card designed to allow computer to communicate over a computer network. NIC
  113. A computer- delivered system that allows the user to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media such as text, sound, video, graphics and animation. Multimedia
  114. a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to other (client) computers over a Local Network or the Internet.:  Network server
  115. A computer equipped with multimedia features. Multimedia Computer
  116. A computer network limited within a room: LAN
  117. A computer network that is spread within a city of neighboring city. MAN
  118. A computer networking device that connects network segments. Network switch
  119. A computer on a network that uses resources of the network : workstation.
  120. A computer on a network. node
  121. A computer on the network that provide resources to other computers on the network. Server
  122. A computer on the network that provides resource and allows a client to use it as a workstation. Nondedicated software
  123. A computer on the network that provides resources but does not allows a client to use it as a workstation. Dedicated software
  124. A computer on the network that uses resources of the network. Workstation
  125. A computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of user. Computer virus
  126. A computer program that has been created to destroy computer system. Computer virus
  127. A computer system that is capable of handling more than one medium simultaneously. Multimedia computer
  128. A computer that acts both as a server and a client-it shares resources (like a server) and uses them (like a client). Peer-to-peer network
  129. A computer user who attempts to break into copyright protected software or an information system. Cracker
  130. A computer virus that infects program written in scripting language. Scripting virus
  131. A computer virus that replaces a macro, which is what enables a program to work and instigates a designated group of actions and commands. Macro virus
  132. A computer which provides resources to other computer on the network. server
  133. A computer which uses services of a network. workstation
  134. A computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media, such as text, sound, video, computer graphics, and animation. Multimedia
  135. A connection in which the data flows in only one direction from the transmitter to the receiver. : simplex connection.
  136. a coordinated set of programs that receives your search request, compares it to the entries in the index and returns result to you.: search engine
  137. A copy of file or program that is used when a original file is corrupted. backup
  138. A copy of the file which is used in the event of the original file being corrupted. backup
  139. A criminal activity involving the information technology infrastructure. Cyber crime
  140. A destructive computer program that hides and replicates itself. Computer virus
  141. a device connecting two or more networks that facilitates the transfer of data in the form of packets.: router
  142. A device or circuit that maintains a load voltage nearly constant over a range of variations of input voltage and load current. Voltage regulator device
  143. A device that allows your computer to keep running for at least a shot time when the primary power sources is lost. UPS
  144. A device that amplifies the incoming signals, creates a new copy of it and transmits the signals on the network. repeater
  145. A device that converts digital signals into analog signals and vice versa. MODEM
  146. A device that converts the discrete stream of digital ON-OFF electric pulses used by computer into the continuously variable analog wave patterns used to transmit the human voice over many existing telephone lines. : Modem
  147. A device that protects computer system from the fluctuation of electric voltage. Volt Guard
  148. A device that protects PC from power surges and spikes : Surge suppressor
  149. A device that provides back up electric power to the computer.  UPS
  150. a device that provides connection between wireless devices and can connect to wired networks.: Wireless Access Point
  151. A device that shields computer and other electronic devices from surges in electrical power,or transient voltage, that flow from the power supply. Surge processor
  152. A device used to transfer the data of one computer to another using a telephone line. modem
  153. A device which provide electricity after power off. UPS
  154. a device which provides continuous power and protects the computer equipments from power surges and voltage fluctuations. Ups
  155. A device which provides continuous power to the computer equipment and protects them from power surges and voltage fluctuations. Surge suppressor
  156. A device with multiple ports that joins multiple computer together. Hub
  157. A device, software, or a system that converts data between dissimilar networks with different protocols. Gateway
  158. A digital representation of non-text information such as a drawing, chart or photographs. Graphics
  159. A disk tool that allows checking files, folders, bad sectors, lost clusters, lost chains and any errors of the specific disk. Scandisk
  160. A document or resource of information that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a monitor or mobile device. Web page
  161. A field which uniquely identifies a record of a table is primary key.
  162. A file virus, that uses special technique to hide its presence from users and virus scanners. Stealth virus
  163. A form of education which is designed to be entertaining, in order to keep people interested and engaged. Edutainment
  164. A formal description of message formats and rules that two or more machines must follow to exchange those messages. Protocol
  165. A generic term which refers to all the illegal and regulatory aspects of internet and the World Wide Web. Cyber law
  166. A generic term which refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of the internet and the World Wide Web.   Cyber law
  167. a geographically dispersed telecommunication network. Wide area network(WAN)
  168. A global electronic bulletin board system in which millions of computer users exchange information on a vast range of topics. Usenet News
  169. A group of computer that functions both as client and server. Peer-to-peer network
  170. A group of the interconnected computers. Computer Network
  171. A hardware device used to connect several computers  together.: hub
  172. A high capacity storage device that can read and write data into storage media. DVD
  173. A large computer network that spans a metropolitan area or campus. LAN
  174. A law that deals with cyber-crime. Cyber law
  175. A law that deals with the criminal activities like on line fraud, hacking, etc. Cyber law
  176. A law that legalize the transaction through electronic media : Cyber law
  177. A live video connection between people in separate locations for the purpose of communication or interaction. Video conference
  178. A malicious program that pretends to be something useful program : Trojan horse
  179. A mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital message or document. Digital signature
  180. A mechanism which is used to convert domain names into IP addresses. DNS
  181. A mode of transmission in which data flows in both directions, but only from one direction at a time Half- Duplex mode
  182. A mode of transmission in which data flows in one direction only. Simplex mode communication
  183. A mode of transmission in which data flows in the both directions, but only in one direction at a time. Half duplex mode
  184. A multiple port repeater. hub
  185. A network cable that contains stands of glass fibers inside an insulated casing : Fiber optic cable
  186. A network computer that utilizes the resources of other computer : client
  187. A network device that can determine the best path for forwarding the data packets. Router
  188. A network device that connects dissimilar networks. Gateway
  189. A network device that connects the segments of the same or different network having same protocol. Bridge
  190. A network device that join segments of a computer. Bridge
  191. A network device that joins networks having different protocols. Gateway
  192. A network device that makes communication between two different network having different protocols. gateway
  193. A network device that regenerates or amplifies signals. repeater
  194. A network device that retransmits signals to a destination node on the network. Switch
  195. A network device that retransmits signals to all nodes on the network. Hub
  196. A network device which connects two dissimilar networks together: gateway
  197. A network in which a central host computer performs data processing and storage on behalf of clients. Centralized network
  198. A network interface card is the card that physically makes the connection between the computer and the network cable. NIC
  199. A network model having at least one server and more than one client computer. Client server network
  200. A network model in which all the computers have equal access : peer-to-peer network
  201. A network model where all nodes have equal right. Peer-to-peer network
  202. A network of computer spread over a city or town located in the same geographical area.: MAN
  203. A network of computer that cover whole world.WAN
  204. A network of computer within a room. LAN
  205. A network of computers formed by using cables. Wired network
  206. A network of computers formed by using unguided media. Wireless network
  207. A network of computers in a room, building or campus. LAN
  208. A network of networks. Internet
  209. A network structure where all computer on the network are connected through a centrally located device. Star topology
  210. A network that uses unbounded transmission media. Wireless network
  211. A network topology in which network nodes are arranged in a linear format, with each nodes connected directly to the network cable with a T-connector or tap. Bus Topology
  212. A network topology in which network nodes are connected in a continuous circle. Physical ring topology
  213. A network which is extended beyond the boundary of countries. WAN
  214. A network which uses bounded media. Wired network
  215. A path through data is transmitted from one computer to another. Transmission medium
  216. A person who uses a computer to gain an unauthorized access. Hacker
  217. A private internet. intranet
  218. A program designed to detect and remove virus from the computer system : Antivirus
  219. A program designed to   infect and potentiality damage files on a computer that receives it. Computer virus
  220. A program or set of program that are designed to prevent, search for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, Trojans, adware, and many more. Antivirus
  221. A program that allows the user to log into a remote computer on the Internet as a user on that system. telnet
  222. A program that allows the user to scan the contents of the internet to find Web sites or specific information of the interest to them. Search engine
  223. A program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the user. Computer virus
  224. A program that checks a condition of hard disk. Scandisk
  225. A program that checks and keeps hard disk in good condition. scandisk
  226. A program that destroys other program. Computer virus
  227. A program that detects and prevents computer from the computer viruses. Antivirus
  228. A program that disinfects a file from a virus. antivirus
  229. A program that is not a virus but behave like virus and can replicate : worm
  230. A program that rearranges the fragmented files. Defragmentation
  231. A program that spreads by first infecting files or the system areas of a computer or network router’s hard drive and then making copy of itself. Computer virus
  232. A program which protects from malware. Antivirus
  233. A protocol used by the WWW to establish client server interaction. HTTP
  234. A protocol used for sending emails from one server to another. SMTP
  235. A protocol used for transferring files from one computer to another typically from your computer to a web server. FTP
  236. A protocol used to upload and download information. : FTP
  237. A searchable database of Internet files collected by a computer program. Search engine
  238. A secret word that provides accessibility to a user to use a file, application or computer system. Password
  239. A secret word used to log in. Password
  240. A security mechanism used on the internet that relies on two keys, one public and one private. Digital signature
  241. A self-contained network that spans a small area such as single building, floor, or a room. LAN
  242. A self-encrypted virus designed to avoid detection by a scanner: polymorphic virus
  243. A series of commands and actions that help to automate some task. Macro virus
  244. A server which sorts and directs your mail for you. Mail Server
  245. A service of the internet that allows a user to connect a remote computer. Telnet
  246. A service of the internet that allows a user to post question for discussion. Newsgroup
  247. A service of the Internet that allows a user to send or receive instant message. IRC
  248. A set of rules by which computers on the network communicate with each other. Protocols
  249. A set of rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices, such as computers. Protocol
  250. A set of rules that each computer on the network has to follow. Protocol
  251. A set of rules that governs the communications between computers on a network.: Network protocol
  252. a set of standards that allow users of the World Wide Web to exchange information found on web pages.  :  HTTP
  253. A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures one after the other. Animation
  254. A small program that runs every time the computer starts up. : master boot record
  255. A specialized network device on a host-based network that transmits the data entered by the user to the host for processing and displays the results.: Terminal
  256. A stimulation of movement created by displaying a series of images of artwork one after the other. Animation
  257. A system allowing individuals to perform banking activities at home, via the internet.: e-banking
  258. A system of transmission of sounds, images, texts or data in the form of   electronic signals. : Telecommunication
  259. A technology that mixes text, pictures, sound, movies clips in a digital format. Multimedia technology
  260. A telecommunications network that allows computer to exchange data : Computer network
  261. A television transmitted to the particular audience at specific location via coaxial cables, telephone wires, fiber-optics strands, microwave radio systems, or communications satellites, as compared to open-circuit (broadcast) television intended for the general public. CCTV
  262. A transmission medium through which data are transmitted in the form of light. Fiber optic cable
  263. A transmission of data and information between computers using a communication link such as a standard telephone line. Telecommunication
  264. A type of computer virus that infects the document or template of word processing or spreadsheet. Macro virus
  265. A type of computer virus that is encoded as a macro embedded is a document. Macro virus
  266. A type of virus that infects executable files having .exe, .com, .ovl, .drv, .sys, or .dil. Program virus
  267. A type of virus that infects the first sector, i.e. the boot sector of a disk or hard drive. Boot sector virus
  268. A utility program used to detect and repair lost clusters and bad sectors of hard disk.Scan disk
  269. A virus infects or substitutes its own code for either the DOS boot sector or the master boot record (MBR). Boot Sector Virus
  270. A virus that can change its appearance with every infection : polymorphic virus
  271. A virus that directly attack and modify program files, which are usually .EXE or .com files. Program virus
  272. A virus that infect executable program files having an extension .exe,.com,or.dll. Program/file virus
  273. A virus that infects both boot sector of a disk and program files. Multipartite Virus
  274. A virus that infects executable files. File infecting virus
  275. A virus that infects the boot sector of a disk. Boot sector virus
  276. A virus that infects the part of the computer called a system sector. Boot sector
  277. A web page, which is designed to search other web pages. Search engine
  278. A web site on the Internet that brings people together in a central location to talk, share ideas, share interests, make new friends, etc.: social network
  279. A group of computer systems and other computing hardware devices that are linked together through communication channels to facilitate communication and resource sharing among a wide range of users. : Computer network
  280. A network is a group of computer that functions both as a client/server. Peer to Peer
  281. A self-reliant computer that acts both as a server and a client to other similar computer on the network. Peer
  282. A wireless topology that can be used to transmit data between two different computers. : Microwave
  283. Acts as the central authority in the network. : Server
  284. An electric device that supply electric power when the electric is cut off. UPS
  285. An electric device that supply steady voltage to the appliance. Volt guard
  286. An electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. Voltage regulator
  287. An electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. Voltage regulator device
  288. An electronic message sent from one device to another device : Email
  289. An electronic signature that can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of message or the signer of the document, and possibly to ensure that the original content of the message or document that has been sent is unchanged. digital signature
  290. An emerging term, multimedia used in education. Edutainment
  291. An extension to hypertext that supports linking graphics, sound and video elements in addition to text elements. Hypermedia
  292. An integration of audio, video, graphics and text. Multimedia
  293. An intelligent device that connects two different networks by setting best network traffics. Router
  294. An internet tool that helps to download /upload the file. FTP
  295. An internetworking device that connects two dissimilar networks: gateway
  296. An online services that allow users to scan the contents of the Internet to find Web sites or specific information of interest to them. : search engine
  297. An online textual communication with each other in real time. IRC(internet relay chat)
  298. An operating system used in a server computer. Network Operating System
  299. An upcoming technology that makes user feel in a Virtual Environment (VE) by using computer hardware and software. Virtual reality
  300. Analog to digital and digital to analog converter during data transmission: MODEM
  301. Any network device that can connect to the network and can generate ,process or transfer network data.: Node
  302. Any type of illegal activity that makes use of the internet, a private or public network, or an in-house computer system. Cyber crime
  303. Both a program and method used to transfer files between computers. FTP
  304. Buying and selling products and services online. E-commerce
  305. Buying or selling goods on the internet. E-commerce
  306. Cable lines through which data flows in a specified path. guided media
  307. Cabling structure of LAN: Topology
  308. Commercial activities on the Internet. E-commerce
  309. completely decentralized. Peer-to-peer network
  310. Connection between a computer and  the Internet done using a normal telephone : Dial up network
  311. Data can be transmitted in both directions but only in one direction at a time. half duplex mode
  312. A device that facilitates the connection or the interconnection of computers and other device to a network. : network connector
  313. Each computer or device in a network : node
  314. Group of computers that can share resources in between computer: Computer network
  315. High speed digital communication network evolving from existing telephony. ISDN
  316. Interface between the NIC of the computer and the cable that passes data from one computer to another computer. connectors
  317. Internet programs to communicate with each other by typing in real time. Internet Relay Chat
  318. Internet services that helps us to send and receive instant messages. Email
  319. It is simulation movement created by displaying a series of particular frames or pictures. Animation
  320. legal property rights of someone over his creations of the mind , both artistic and commercial.: Intellectual property rights law
  321. Making an extra copy of data and software. Backup
  322. Mode of transmission that transmits the data simultaneously in both directions. Full duplex mode
  323. Moral rules to be followed by computer and other professionals. Computer ethics
  324. One of the tools used to maintain performance and error free file management. Scandisk
  325. Protocol used to browse the internet. TCP/IP
  326. Real time discussion with one or more people through the internet. Webchat
  327. Security implemented on software. Software security
  328. Security mechanism implemented on the basis of hardware. Hardware security
  329. Selling and buying goods on the Internet. E-commerce
  330. Sending mail by using computer. E-mail
  331. Sending or receiving information between two or more persons. Communication
  332. Set of rules that the computers on network must follow to communicate and to exchange data with each other. Protocol
  333. Software or programs that search the website for us. Search engine
  334. Software that allows the user to surf the information through the Internet : browser
  335. Software that is used for surfing information through the internet. Web browser
  336. Software that is used in creating presentation. : MS-Power Point
  337. Stealing or destroying data, information and files. Hacking
  338. Terms used to describe the data handling capacity of a communication system. bandwidth
  339. The act that limits the disclosure of personally identifiable information regarding video rentals.: Video Privacy Protection
  340. The activity of breaking into a computer system to gain an unauthorized access. Hacking
  341. The amount of data that can be transmitted through communication channels in a fixed time period. Bandwidth
  342. The amount of data transmitted per second through a communication channel. Bandwidth
  343. The application software which is used to visit web pages. Web browser
  344. The arrangement or connection patterns of computers or nodes and other devices of the network. topology
  345. The artificial environment created by computer system that appears real. Virtual reality
  346. The artificial environment created by computer technology that seems to be real. Virtual reality
  347. The artificial environment created by computer technology to entertain user. Virtual reality
  348. The block of data at the end of an electronic message that attests the authenticity of the said message: digital signature.
  349. The buying and selling of goods and services on the internet, especially the World Wide Web. E-commerce
  350. The buying and selling of things over the Internet. E-commerce
  351. The cabling pattern of computers where all nodes are connected in a closed loop.  Ring topology
  352. The cabling pattern of computers where each computer is connected to a common cable in the linear format. BUS Topology
  353. The cabling pattern of computers where each node is individually connected to centrally located device. Star  topology
  354. The collection of web pages.: website
  355. The combination of more than one media such as text, picture, sound, movies clips, etc. multimedia
  356. The combination of multiple media such as text, image, video, animation and audio. Multimedia
  357. The computer having capability to integrate two or more types of media for information presentation. Multimedia computer
  358. The computer on which users run applications. Workstation
  359. The computer system that is capable to handle more than one media simultaneously. Multimedia computer
  360. The computer that acts as the central authority on a network. Server
  361. The computer that controls and coordinates all the activities of the entire computer in a network. Server
  362. The computers that deliver (serves up) Web pages.: webserver
  363. The conversion of analog signals into digital signals. Demodulation
  364. The conversion of digital signals into analog signals. Modulation
  365. The creation and manipulation of picture images in the computer. Graphics
  366. The crime committed with the help of computer and internet. Cyber crime
  367. The data handling capacity of communication system. bandwidth
  368. The data or signals transmitted through the air in the communication. unguided media
  369. The destructive increase in the amount of Voltage delivered through a power line : Spike
  370. The device that connects communication media with network devices. Connectors
  371. The device used for connecting computer to a telephone line. : Modem
  372. The device which accepts weak signals regenerates them and sends them back on their way. Repeater
  373. The device which connects similar networks having same protocols. Bridge
  374. The discussion groups in which people share information and ideas on a particular area of interest. Newsgroups
  375. The document formatting language used to link document in on the web. Hyper Text Markup Language
  376. the exchange of information over significant distances by electronic means:   Telecommunication
  377. the exchange of message and computer file between computers over a computer network.: Email
  378. The field type automatically enters number in a field which increase by one for every new record. Auto number
  379. The field types used to store text that is more than 255 character: Memo
  380. The first sector of a disk which directs the computer to the location of the operating system. It contains instruction to boot the computer. It either replaces or modifies the instruction. Boot sector virus
  381. The generation, representation, manipulation and display of pictures with the aid of computer. Graphics
  382. The graphics that contains movement. Animation
  383. The group of computers, which acts as server and workstation. Peer to peer network
  384. The integration of text, graphics, audio, video and animation. Multimedia
  385. The interconnection between two or more computers through physical and logical components to share resources. Computer network
  386. The interconnection of computer with or without wire: computer network.
  387. The large group of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another. Internet
  388. The law governing computers and the Internet.: Cyber law
  389. The leading information exchanged service of the internet. WWW
  390. The learning process by using the Internet. E-learning
  391. The local company sells the Internet service. ISP
  392. The measure that allows to protect computers being opened from unauthorized user: password
  393. The method applied to increase the life of computers and  its assets. Regular maintenance
  394. The modes of transmission in which communication takes place from both the sides simultaneously. Full duplex mode
  395. The moral principles or the code of conduct that regulate the proper use of computer. Cyber ethics
  396. The most powerful type of computer on the network, that does all the processing for the user : host
  397. The moving graphic images: animation
  398. The moving images of real events. Video
  399. The network model where each node has equal right. Peer-to-peer network
  400. The network model where there is at least one server. Client- server network
  401. The online services that allow users to scan the contents of the Internet to find web sites or specific information of interest to them. Search engine
  402. The path through which the sender makes communication to the receiver. Medium
  403. The physical interface between cabling and network places. Topology
  404. The physical layout or cabling structure of computers on Local area network. Topology
  405. The physical path through which data and information flow on the network. Transmission media
  406. The pictures in motion: video
  407. The power regulating device this supplies constant power to the computer from its backup system. UPS
  408. The private network within an organization that utilizes the internet services. Intranet
  409. The private owned Internet. Intranet
  410. The process of copying files, documents, programs, etc. from users computer to the web server. Uploading
  411. The process of displaying alphanumeric characters on the screen to present information. Text
  412. The process of displaying still images in rapid sequence to create the illusion of movement. Animation
  413. The process of ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computers, their programs, hardware devices and data. Computer security
  414. The process of giving the illusion of movement to drawings, models or inanimate objects. Animation
  415. The process of locating the noncontiguous fragments of data, rearranging the fragments and restoring them fewer fragments or the whole file. Defragmentation
  416. The process of making a reserve copy of file,which can be restored in case of original file is corrupted. Backup
  417. The process of rearranging the fragmented files in the contiguous spaces on the disk. Defragmentation
  418. The process of re-writing parts of a file to contiguous sector on a hard disk to increase the speed of access and retrieval. Defragmentation
  419. The process of sending and receiving messages electronically through the internet. E-mail
  420. The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer: Downloading
  421. The process of unauthorized access to an information system intentionally. Hacking
  422. The program that allows user to communicate with each other in real time. : chat
  423. The program used to create and present multimedia system. Multimedia Authority software
  424. The Program which is used to detect and eliminate computer virus. Antivirus program
  425. The protection of creations of the mind, which have both a moral and a commercial value. Intellectual property
  426. The protocol used for transferring hypertext documents that make the World Wide Web possible. HTTP
  427. The query is used to delete records from the table.: Delete query
  428. The query that is used to change record in a table at a single operation. Action query
  429. The real images of artwork. Animation
  430. The repeated acts of harassment or threatening the victim by using internet services like e-mail. Cyber stalking
  431. The rights granted to creator and owners of the works that are the result of the human intellectual creativity. Intellectual property law
  432. The rule that is used to make sure that the data entered in a field is within the criteria set by the user: Validation rule
  433. The rules and procedures relates to the internet and cyberspace. Cyber law
  434. The rules and regulation to systematize the computer related technology. Cyber law
  435. The scattering of the parts of the same disk file over different locations. Fragmentation
  436. The secret word or phrase of authorized users to open computer and access programs. Password
  437. The security that protects program, files, and the information flow to and from a computer. Software security
  438. The security that protects the machine and peripheral hardware from theft, electronic intrusion and damage. : hardware security.
  439. The service which is used to transfer files from one computer to others. FTP
  440. The set of rules and procedures that makes the communication possible among  different computers in a network. Protocol
  441. The shape of the network in which all the computers are connected together. Network Topology
  442. The software used to scan a computer’s memory and disks to detect viruses. antivirus
  443. The software used to scan, locate and detect the disk for viruses. Antivirus
  444. The software which controls and manages all the operation in computer network. NOS
  445. The special macros that self-replicate in the data files of personal productivity applications such as Word and Excel. Macro virus
  446. The technology with deliver voice over the Internet. Skype
  447. The technology that allows people to enter and interact with three dimensional computer graphics world. : virtual reality/vr
  448. The term used to describe the tool which allows one computer user to send a message to one or more other computer users over a computer network. Email
  449. The tool that is used to maintain performance and error free file management. Scandisk
  450. The topology in which all the computers are connected by a common distribution channel. Bus Topology
  451. The topology on which all the computers are connected to each other in a closed circular loop. Ring Topology
  452. The total set of interlinked by hypertext documents residing on HTTP servers. WWW
  453. The unauthorized duplication and use of computer software. Software piracy
  454. The unique address of a web page on the internet: URL
  455. The use of computer modeling and simulation to enable a person to interact with an artificial three-dimensional visual or other sensory environment. Virtual Reality
  456. The use of Internet to buy and sell goods and services. E-commerce
  457. The very first page of every web site. Homepage
  458. The viruses which have combination features of boot sector viruses and program viruses.  Multipartite Virus
  459. The visual communication of parties around the world. Video Conference
  460. The way through which one can convey information: media
  461. The largest network of computer in the world : internet.
  462. Transaction of letters,messages and memos over a communication network. : Email
  463. Transferring illegal item through the internet (such as encryption technology)that is banned in some locations. Cyber contraband
  464. Two or more computers connected with each other to share data and other respurces. computer network
  465. unreadable by everyone except the receiver. Encryption
  466. Virtual space created by computer networks, internet to make communication. Cyber space
  467. Voice communication through Internet. I-telephony
  468. Websites that allow the users to search information based on keywords or a combination of keywords. Search engine
  469. wireless networking technology that allows computer and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal: Wi-Fi
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