Physics Practical |1st year| BSC | TU

Find Error in Slope Using Least Squares Method: Simple Pendulum Experiment”

APPARATUS REQUIRED i) Simple pendulum ii) Stop watch iii) Meter scale iv) Clamp and thread THEORY The principle of Least Squares: least-square is one of

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Determine Modulus of Rigidity Using Maxwell’s Needle | PDF

APPARATUS REQUIRED i) Maxwell's needle. ii) Screw gauge iii) Meter scale iv)

Study Charging & Discharging of Capacitor | Find Capacitance

APPARATUS REQUIRED i) Electronic design experiment ii) 220 Ω resistor iii) 470

Determine Impedance of Series LCR Circuit | Formula & Experiment PDF

APPARATUS REQUIRED i) An inductance ii) A resistance iii) A condenser iv)