To Find The Wavelength Of Sodium Source Using Newton’s Ring

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The arrangement for the determination of wavelength of light is shown in the figure below. A parallel beam of light from the lens L, is reflected by the glass plate B inclined at angle of 45° to the horizontal, L is a plano-convex lens of large focal length. Newton’s rings are viewed through B by the traveling microscope M focused on the air film circular bright and dark rings are seen with the center dark. With the help of a traveling Microscope, the diameter is measured for the nth dark ring.

Suppose the diameter of nth ring = Dn

r²n = nλR 

but, rn = Dn/2

D2n = 4nλR …………. (i)

The diameter of the (n+m)dark rings is Measured. Let it be Dn+m, Therefore, D2n+m =4(n+m)λR……………(ii)

Substrating (i) from (ii)

D2n+m-D2n = 4(n+m)λR – 4nλR

D2n+m-D2n = 4nλR +4mλR -4nλR

D2n+m-D2n = 4mλR

λ = D2n+m-D2n/4mR ………….(iii)

λ = D2n+m-D2n/4mR


R = Radius of curvature of the surface of lens in content with the glass plate and

Dn = Diameter of nth dark or bright fringes

Dm = Diameter of mth dark or bright fringes

R= l2/6h +h/2


l =29mm

h =  0.19mm

R = (29×10-3)2/6X0.19X103 + 0.19X103/2

   = 0.68m 

No. of ringsMicroscope ReadingLeft (M.S)Microscope ReadingLeft (C.S)Microscope ReadingLeft (Total)Microscope Reading diameter (mm)Right (M.S)Microscope Reading diameter (mm)right (C.S)Microscope Reading diameter (mm)right (total)
(m,n)( D2n- D2m) (10-6m2)λ = D2n- D2m/4R(n-m)  (10-7m)


Mean of wavelength (λ)= (5.356 +4.9 +5.946 +9.8)X107 / 4

= 26/4 x10-7m

= 6.5×10-7m

ERROR=  (Standard value – Observed value)/Standard value  x 100%

= (5890-6500 / 5890  x 100)

= 610 X 100 / 5890

= 10.356%


The wavelength of given sodium light by using Newton’s ring is found to be 6.5X10-7m with error 10.356%


i) A lens and glass plate should be cleaned.

ii) A lens of Large Radius of curvature preferable plane convex should be used.

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