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Endophytic algae:
Anabaena is a blue-green algae occurring singly or in colonies in pools and ponds either in form of free flocking floating or as a delicate mucilage layer on soil surface.
Vegetative structures
i) Trachomatous body:
It has a trachomatous body composed of straight or irregular contorted trichomes sheathed within a delicate watery mucilaginous matrix. It bears intercalary and terminal heterocysts.
ii) Moniliform trichome.
An individual trichome is an unbranded price composed of several spherical cells in a linear order.
Cellular structure
Cyanobacteria type:
The vegetative cell is spherical barrel-shaped. The cellular structure is very simple with a mass of cytoplasm surrounded by an external cell wall. The centroplasm bears an incipient nucleus.