Comments of Doris
Doris is cosmopolitan in distribution. It is specially found in the water of New England.
Habit and Habitat:-
Doris is a sluggish, marine animal moving between weeds and feeding on the encrusting organisms.
General characters:-
1) Doris is commonly known as the sea lemon.
2) The body is bilaterally symmetrical, short, flat and oval with a convex dorsal surface.
3) Skin is tough and contains calcareous spicules of various types arranged symmetrically.
4) The color is purplish brown.
5) Head bears a pair of short retractile tentacles or rhinophores.
6) Mouth is situated on the ventral surface.
7) Foot is ventral with a broad sole for creeping.
8) Nervous system euthyneurons type.
9) Hermaphrodite.
Economic Importance:-
Because the neurons of sea lemons are larger and easier to access than human neurons, researchers find sea lemons are useful in their study of nerve cells.Species are also used in aquariums.
Diagram of Doris