Comments T.S of Ovary of Frog
i) The ovary consists of a number of hollow lobes or lobules in which ova are formed.
ii) Each lobule is surrounded externally by theca externa.
iii) Several follicles of various sizes are connected to the theca externa.
iv) Each follicle of a lobule is surrounded by theca interna which contains muscle fibers, blood vessels and nerves.
v) Each ovum has a nucleus surrounded by yolky granular cytoplasm.
vi) The ovum is also surrounded by follicular cells which develop from oogonia.
Comments T.S of Ovary of Rabbit
i) The ovary is lined by germinal epithelium which is bounded by the connective tissue, the tunica albuginea.
ii) It consists of mass of connective tissue and spindle-fiber cells, the two together forming the stromes.
iii) Lying in the stroma are egg cells in various stages of development, each surrounded by a nourishing epithelial layer, the follicle and blood vessels.
iv) One group of cells enlarges to form a developing ovum, while the other forms a single layer of cells that follide around it.