Comments on T.S of liver of frog
i) It is a compound tubular gland.
ii) It consists of a large number of hepatic acini which appear in sections lined by hepatic cells.
iii) The bile canaliculi unite to form bile ductules and these in turn unite to form bile duct.
iv) Blood capillaries and sinusoids are seen among the acini.
v) The structure of the liver helps in taking the monosaccharides from the blood of the hepatic portal vein and in secreting the bile which is drained through the bile duct.
Comments on T.S of liver of rabbit
i) The liver is composed of polygonal lobules containing a central vein (interlobular vein) in the center and portal canalsat the corners.
ii) Each portal conal of connective tissue strand and contains a branch of portal vein, hepatic artery, bile duct, lymph vessel.
iii) Each liver cell has granular cytoplasm and a prominent nucleus.
iv) Liver has several functions.
1) Produce biles
2) Oxidation of sugar takes place
3) Toxic substances are detoxicated.