Comments on T.S of intestine of frog
i) It consists of the usual four layers, serosa muscularis, submucosa and mucosa.
ii) Selosa is very thin and made up of a single layer of peritoneal.
iii) The musculari’s consist of two layers, outer thin longitudinal muscle and inner thick circular muscle fibers.
iv) The sub mucosa consists of loose connective tissue fibers.
v) The mucosa is folded into numerous simple folds or villi which increase the maximum absorptive surface.
Comments on intestine of mammal
i) It consists of the usual four layers, serosa, muscularis, submucosa, mucosa.
ii) Serosa is usually a simple squamous epithelium.
iii) Muscularis consist of longitudinal muscle fibers.
iv) The submucosa consist of connective tissue holding blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels.
v) The mucosa is thrown into numerous, large and small finger-like folds called villi, at the base of which crypts of lieberkuhn are present.