Estimate Sulphate in Potassium Sulphate Using Gravimetric Analysis

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1) Beaker

2) Watman no.42 filter paper 

3) Funnel

4) Gusible 


1)  2 ml HCL

2) 1 ml K₂SO4


The sulphate ion is precipitated as BaSO4 by adding BaCL2 solution.From the weight of BaSO4, amount SO4 is calculated eg:     


  1 ml of K2SO4 and 2 ml of HCL was taken in a beaker & it was heated nearly to boiling. Then Bacl2 was added into the solution of sulphate with constant stirring. Then the precipitate was formed which was written. Then, the precipitate was washed with hot water by using filler paper. Then it was kept in gusible along with the filter paper & it was ignited.


            Wt. of empty gusible(a) = 23.2gm

            Wt. of crusible substance (b) = 23.7gm

            Wt of substance = b-a = 23.7-23.3 = 0.5 gm 

             Wt of substance = Wt. of BaSO4

             233.36 gm of BaSO4 contains 96gm of S04

             1 gm of BaSO4 contains 96/233.36 gm of SO4

            0.5 gm of BaSO4 contains 0.205 gm of SO4


 Hence, 0.205 gm of sulphate was present in the given solution of potassium sulphate.


Hence, the amount of sulphate in the given solution of potassium sulphate by gravimetrically.


1) Glassware should be handled carefully.

2) Weight should be noted carefully.

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