Estimate Barium in Barium Chloride Solution: Gravimetric Method

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1) Beaker

2) Whatman no 42 filter paper 

3) Funnel

4) Crucible

5) Burner


1) 1 ml of HCL

2) Barium chloride solution 


when a solution of known weight of barium chloride is treated with an excess of dil. H₂SO4 barium is precipitated as BaSO4. From the weight of BaSO4 the amount of barium is calculated.

BaCL2 +H2S04 —>BaSO4 + 2HCL

233.36g of BaSO4 = 137.36g of Ba

1g of BaSO4 = 137.36/233.36  =0.588g

 xg of BaSO4 = 0.588*x g of Ba 


9 ml of Barium chloride solution & 2 ml of conc. HCI was taken in a beaker & it was heated to boiling. Then about 1 ml of bench H₂SO4 was added  slowly by stirring. Then the precipitate was allowed to settle down then the precipitate was transferred to filter paper & washed with hot water. Then it was kept into the crucible & was weighed & then it was ignited in the crucible until it was converted into ashes.


Wt of crucible ( a) = 25.2gm

Wt. of Crucible wt. of substance (b)=25.6gm

Wt. of substance = b-a = 25.6-25.2= 0.4gm

We know,

Wt. of substance = Wt. of BaSO4

233.36 gm of BaSO4 = 137.36g of Ba

0.4 gm of BaSO4 = 137.36/233.36  *0.4g of Ba 

=0.235 g of Ba 


Hence the amount of barium in Barium chloride was found to be 0.235g.


Hence, the amount of Barium in the given solution of Barium chloride was estimated &

was found to be 0.235 g of Barium.


1)  Glassware should be handled carefully.

2)  Weight should be noted carefully.

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