Comments of Peripatus
Peripatus has discontinuous distribution. The genus peripatus is found restricted in the various places of the world such as South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, New Britain, South America and the West Indies, Malaya, Equatorial Africa and chile.
Habit and Habitat:-
Peripatus is nocturnal, lives in crevices of rocks, under bark and stones and in other dark moist places and beneath fallen leaves. It is generally confined to humid habitats.
General character:
1) Body of the peripatus is elongated, cylindrical Caterpillar – like without external segmentation, measuring 1.5 to 15.00 cm in length.
2) Head is not distinct.
3) Mouth is ventral on the anterior side.
4) Respiration by paired nephridia.
5) Sexes are separate and gonads are paired.
6) Carnivorous. It feeds on insects.
Economic Importance:
Peripatus is of special interest because its body exhibits certain structures.
Diagram of Peripatus