Comments of Chiton
Chiton is found all over the world.
Habit and Habitat:
Chiton is a sluggish, marine animal found attached to the rocks, empty shell and corals between tide marks .
General characters:
1) Body of chiton is elliptical, bilaterally symmetrical and dorsoventrally compressed and consists of shell, foot,mantle and the visceral mass.
2) Shell is calcareous present on the dorsal side and composed of eight overlapping plates.
3) Head is small and indistinct eyes and tentacles are absent.
4) Foot is ventral muscular with a flat sole extending along the whole length of the body.
5) Mantle covers a greater part of the body and partly covers the edges of the shell plates.
6) Mouth and anus are at opposite ends.
7) Sexes are separate, gonads are single.
8) Development includes a trochophore larva.
Economic Importance:
Along the Pacific coast of Mexico, the chiton, Chiton is caught as bait for artisanal fishermen and served in restaurants as a gourmet dish, therefore its consumption is creating a potential fishery and economic interest.
Diagram of Chiton
