Study Of Permanents Slide Of Volvox colony (Protista) with Comments and Diagram

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Distribution of Volvox:

Volvox is cosmopolitan in distribution.

Habit and Habitat:

The colonial form Volvox is more substantial and spherical. Small freshwater ponds and lakes have it in their planktons.


1. Cellulose forms a tough coating around the body. 

2. The zooids are made up of a nucleus, two flagella, two contractile vacuoles, and cup-shaped chloroplasts. 

3. Reproductive and non-reproductive somatic zooids are distinguished from each other. 

4. The reproductive zooids are confined to the colony’s back half. 

5. Nutrition promotes wellness. 

6. Binary fission is used to spread a colony. 

7. A colony uses its flagella to help it swim in the water.

Economic importance:

It prevents the development of tiny microorganisms and insects. 

It maintains harmony in the freshwater aquatic ecology.

Diagram Of Volvox colony(Protista)

Study Of Permanents Slide Of Volvox colony
Study Of Permanents Slide Of Volvox colony
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