Soil Monitoring Technique:

It involves the collection and analysis of soil and its associated quality, constituents and physical status to determine its fitness for use. It has historically focused on more classical conditions and contaminants including toxic elements . (eg. mercury, lead and arsenic) and other aspects of soil however, has had its own set of challenges as sampling in most cases is destructive in nature, requiring multiple samples overtime.

Soil Sampling:

Soils are normally heterogeneous and vary widely from place to place. A representative soil sample from a field is a  prerequisite for soil sampling. The selection of sites and method of collection of soil samples shall depend entirely on the type of analysis to be performed for the study depth.

The equipments used for soil sampling are:

  1. Soil auger
  2. Sharp knife
  3. Spode
  4. Shove
  5. Hand shovel


The field was divided into uniform segments and the required no. of spars was selected  from the field sampling. The soil was mixed and the volume of sample was reduced quartering.

The samples were labeled.

Storage and Handling:

Because certain characteristics of soil change with time it is essential that is analyzed as soon as possible if it cannot be treated within 24 hours of sampling it should be frozen to reduce changes due to biological and chemical activity longest period behavior sampling and testing may  require the soil to be dried.

1.PHAnalyze imidetalely
2.Organic NO2,NO3,NH4,halides, carbohydrate, amino acids, human fractions.Analyze fresh soil sample soil can be kept at low temperature for short period.
3.Extraction of K, Na,Ca, Mg, Fe, 2nDrying at < 400C
4.Mineral constituentsDrying at 1050C


Hence, we can calculate quality monitoring technique for soil environment was studied. 

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