Introduction And Features of Python

5 Min Read


Python was conceived by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s but the implementation was started a decade later. Python is an object-oriented programming language. Object-oriented programming is a concept that includes concepts of classes and objects. It has a role in code reusability, code flexibility, security, data redundancy, etc. It is open-source and available on the official website for free. It has a large standard library in various fields such as web development, machine learning, artificial intelligence, mobile Application, desktop Application, scientific calculation, etc. Python’s syntax and dynamic typing, combined with the fact that it is interpreted, make it an excellent language for scripting and rapid application development.

Python supports a wide range of programming techniques, including object-oriented, imperative, functional, and procedural. The community of the python programming language is large. So, it is easy to get bits of help and support on any of the queries. Learning Python helps a coder to concentrate on problem solutions rather than syntax. Nowadays, python has been the best choice among the programming languages available because it is used in various fields to solve real-world problems. It is the primary choice for AI and machine learning because it is such a stable, simple, and flexible language. Also, it is suitable for data analytics and visualization because while working with enormous amounts of data it is relatively quick. Popular apps like Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify, Uber, Reddit, etc were developed by python programming language and its frameworks.

We have discussed some features of the python programming language in the introduction section. Let’s get deeply into it.


1. Simple syntax:

Python is easy to learn as compared to other programming languages. Its syntax is straightforward and much similar to the English language. We can simply compare the syntax of java and python code to print the Hello World statement. It will be more beneficial for beginners.   


print('Hello, world!')


class HelloWorld { 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
System.out.println("Hello, World!");

2. Object-oriented Language:

Python is an object-oriented programming language that supports the concepts of classes and objects. The object-oriented method assists programmers in writing reusable code and developing applications with fewer codes.

3. Cross-platform Language:

Python can operate on a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Macintosh. As a result, we may conclude that Python is a portable programming language.

4. Interpreted Language:

Python is an interpreted language, which implies that each line of a Python program is executed separately. The benefit of becoming an interpreted language is that debugging is simple and portable.

5. Dynamic Memory Allocation:

Python uses the dynamic memory allocation(DMA) for the memory allocation process which is internally managed by the heap data structure. A priority queue is represented by a heap data structure. We don’t need to specify the variable’s data type in Python. When we assign a value to a variable, the variable’s memory is automatically allocated at run time.


a = 5


int a = 5;

We can see the difference between the code of python and C wherein C language data type either an integer, float, etc. needs to be declared. But, the python code doesn’t need to specify the data type. 

Python Framework and Libraries:

Python programming language has many frameworks and libraries which can be used in various fields such as machine learning, web application, etc. We have discussed some of the frameworks and libraries of python.

Machine Learning: 

  • Matplotlib
  • Scipy 
  • TensorFlow 
  • PyTorch 
  • Scikit-learn


  •  Numpy
  • Pandas

GUIs based applications:

  •  Tk
  • PyGTK  
  • PyQt 
  • PyJs

Web development (Server-side) :

  • Django Flask
  • Pyramid
  • CherryPy

Mobile Application:

  • Kivy
  • PyQt
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