Physics Practical |1st year| BSC | TU

Find Error in Slope Using Least Squares Method: Simple Pendulum Experiment”

APPARATUS REQUIRED i) Simple pendulum ii) Stop watch iii) Meter scale iv) Clamp and thread THEORY The principle of Least Squares: least-square is one of

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Determine Viscosity Coefficient of Water | Poiseuille’s Method

APPARATUS REQUIRED i) Viscosity apparatus ii) A stopwatch iii) Constant level valve

To Determine Surface Tension Using Capillary Tube Method

APPARATUS REQUIRED i) Traveling microscope ii) Three capillary tubes of different diameters

Determine Young’s Modulus by Bending Beam Method | PDF

APPARATUS REQUIRED i) A uniform regular beam ii) Two knife edges iii)

Determine Moment of Inertia & Angular Acceleration | Flywheel

APPARATUS REQUIRED i) A Flywheel ii) A strong and thin string iii)