Physical Pharmacy |1st Year|

Determine Specific Gravity of Glycerol Using Pycnometer

APPARATUS REQUIRED: Pycnometer, Thermometer, Weighing balance. CHEMICALS REQUIRED: Water, Glycerol THEORY: Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the density of a substance to

Codynn Codynn 1 Min Read

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Determine Specific Gravity of Glycerol Using Pycnometer

APPARATUS REQUIRED: Pycnometer, Thermometer, Weighing balance. CHEMICALS REQUIRED: Water, Glycerol THEORY: Specific

Determine Benzene Viscosity Room Temp By OSTWALD’S U-TUBE VISCOMETER.

APPARATUS  REQUIRED: Pycnometer, thermometer, weighing balance, Ostwald's U-tube Viscometer. CHEMICALS REQUIRED: Water,