i) Wooden or iron quadrat of definite size.
ii) Notebook
iii) Pencil
Every plant community has its own characteristic Cosmoposition having different types of plant species varying greatly according to their habitat. But the study of each and every plant species in different communities is not practically possible. So, the simple square sample plot Method called list count quadrat method is developed to make rough estimation of species. The individual plants of each species present within the quadrat are counted to find out the total number of each species and dominant species in each quadrat. The general analysis of vegetation of the study area is done by applying random quadrat Sample plots of different places within the study area. All the species are not equally important in determining the nature of the community. A community gets greatly affected by the removal of dominat species from the community. Although the quadrat and of various shapes, the one which is mostly followed is the Square.
At first, a specific study area to be studied was selected. Then the iron quadrat was thrown randomly in the study area. All the plants present within the quadrat were noted in the notebook.The number of plants of each species was counted and noted. The same process was repeated by applying quadrat randomly anywhere else within the study area. All the data observed were noted and then the data were filled up in the observation table. This method was helpful to determine dominant species of that area.

Hence, the dominant plant, by counting the total no. of plant species in each quadrant, was found to be Monocot grass.
The plant of a field under the study area can be enumerated by the help of list count quadrat Method.