Study Of Food Web Of A Pond Ecosystem

2 Min Read


Local pond


In an ecosystem one organism does not depend wholly on another. The Monh plants are eaten by a variety of insects, birds, Mammals and fishes. Some of the animals are eaten by sereral  predators. All the food chains are interconnected and overlapping within an ecosystem and they make up the food web. Food web describes how life energy flows through the pond.

i) Producer level

Producer level of pond food web collectively includes many species of floating and rooted aquatic plant life that absorbs there such as sunlight, water, air and soil materials. Produces include microscopic, floating plant life collectively known as algae and larger rooted water plants.

ii) Primary consumer

It consists of tiny herbivorous animals that feed on algae and other aquatic plants to sustain themselves. These animals include insèch, tadpoles, very small fish and snails. There are variety of microscopic animal burns as zooplanktons

iii) Secondary Consumer

They eat primary consumers. The second level of animal consumer includes many species of fish, frogs, other crayfish and reptiles.

iv) Tertiary Consumer

They eat both primary and secondary Consumers. It includes fish and frog eating water birds, fish eating hawks, etc.

v) Decomposer

Bacterio, fungi and insect/animal scavengers, complete the pond food web, breaking down dead and decaying aquatic plant and animals.

Producer Primary Consumer → Secondary Consumer→Tertiary Consumer

Sun  → Phytoplankton  → Zooplankton → Small fish →  large fish → Decomposers 

Food web in pond ecosystem.


Note all the possible total food web in biotic factor live producer, primary, secondary, and tertiary Consumers as studied in the experimental pond.

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