See English Model Question 2080-81 (Class 10): Download PDF Full Set

15 Min Read

Reading and Writing(Written Test)

Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the margin indicate the full marks.

Time: 3 hrs. Full Marks: 75

Attempt all the questions.

  1. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. (5×1=5)
    This is the weather the cuckoo likes,
    And so do I;
    When showers betumble the chestnut spikes,
    And nestlings fly;
    And the little brown nightingale bills his best;
    And they sit outside at ‘The Traveller’s Rest’,
    And Maids come forth sprig-muslin dressed
    And citizens dream of the south and west,
    And so do I.
    This is the weather the cuckoo shuns,
    And so do I
    When beeches drip in brown and duns,
    And thresh ad ply,
    And hill-hid tides throb, throe and throe,
    And meadow rivulets overflow;
    And drops on gate bars hang in a row,
    And rooks in families homewards go,
    And so do I.
    (a) What do the nestlings learn to do in the spring?
    (b) What does the little nightingale do in the spring?
    (c) Which weather does the cuckoo dislike?
    (d) Why does the speaker like the weather described in the first verse?
    (e) Why do you think the nature looks ugly in winter?
  2. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. 10
    France has always earned global recognition for the quality of its cuisine and Paris gives you the chance to confirm this taste of greatness. Over the years, the restaurants in Paris have earned higher Machelin stars than London’s. Nonetheless, London’s food should not be written off. With an increased diversity among the people flocking to London, restaurants have been embracing food from various parts of the world. The vibrant cultural mix in London has led to delicious and innovative food scenes. London offers a wide array of food such as cheap curies to fish and
    chips. Paris on the other hand brings quite a variety of bread and pastries, as well as baguettes.
    Both London and Paris are known for their high cost of living, but London is quite more expensive than Paris. But note that groceries and other consumer prices are lower in London than in Paris. In other aspects such as local transportation costs and utility bills, Paris appears to be quite cheaper than London. Paris will be a great option if you are looking for a pocket friendly destination.
    London seems to have an advantage in terms of leisure and entertainment spots. There are numerous fun things to do in London. For starters, London has 380 public libraries, while Paris has 69 of them. Concerning museums London has 240 while Paris has 153 museums.
    Most football fans will find themselves attracted to London rather than Paris. London hosts six major football clubs, that play in the top league while Paris has only one major club, Paris saint – Germain (PSG)
    A. Write “TRUE” for true and “FALSE” for the false statement. (5×1=5)
    (i) France is recognized in the world for the quality food it serves.
    (ii) Culturally, London is a mixed society.
    (iii) Paris is better and has more offer than London in terms of entertainment.
    (iv) Restaurants in London provide better foods than restaurants in Paris.
    (v) The cost of living in Paris is almost the same as that of London.
    B. Answer the following questions. (5×1 =5)
    (i) What has enabled London restaurants to serve varieties of food items?
    (ii) How are London restaurants different to Paris restaurant in terms of the food varieties they serve?
    (iii) Which items are cheaper in London than they are in Paris?
    (iv) Why do you think football lovers prefer London to Paris?
    (v) Mention the name of the main football club in Paris.
  3. Read the following text and do the task that follow: 10
    To Whom It May Concern
    I am hereby writing this letter to verify and confirm the community service undertaken by Mr. Richard Thomas at our charitable organization. Richard is a very hard working and dedicated person who would always put in the best possible efforts.
    We at Novice Children’s Trust work for the benefit of underprivileged children and need volunteers from time to time to help us on this project. Few months back, Richard came forward and helped us in reaching out to the underprivileged and poor children in the Derby Street region.
    He ensured that the parents of the children understood the mission that our organization was working for and thus it helped us majorly in succeeding in enrolling these children for our program. Besides Richard also engaged in popularizing our organization mission that gave us both the financial assistance as well as community participation by many organizations.
    I hereby confirm that Richard has put in about hundred hours of community service and a certificate for the same is enclosed along with this letter for your reference.
    We would be glad to provide any other information if needed. You can reach us on 9801000000
    Yours sincerely,
    Carl Lewis
    A. The following information makes up a complete process for Mr. Richard Thomas to apply for a new job. Read the text again and put the following sentences in correct order to describe the process. (5×1 =5)
    i. Richard required a reference letter to apply for the post of a team leader.
    ii. Richard completed 100 hours of community service for an organization.
    iii. Richard approached Carl Lewis and requested him to write the reference letter.
    iv. Richard saw an advertisement seeking for a team leader that matches his interest.
    v. Richard wanted to apply for the post of a Team leader for the community service.
    B. Read the text again and answer the questions given below. (5×1=5)
    i. Why is Carl Lewis writing this letter?
    ii. How does Carl describe Richard as?
    iii. Which area of the United States would you work if you were Richard?
    iv. How did the organization benefit form Richard’s work? Mention one thing.
    v. Which organization does Carl Lewis belong to?
  4. Read the following text and do the task. 15
    George Eliot was the pen name of Mary Ann Evans, a novelist who produced some of the major classic novels of the Victorian era, including The Mill on the Floss, Adam Bedel Silas Marner, Romola, Felix Holt, Daniel Deronmda and her masterpiece, Middlemarch.
    It is impossible to overestimate the significance of Eliot’s novels in the English culture: they went right to the heart of the small-town politics that made up the fabric of English society. Her novels were essentially political: Middlemarch is set in a small town just as the Reform Bill of 1832 was about to be introduced. She goes right into the minutia of the town’s people’s several concerns, creating numerous immortal characters whose interaction reveal Eliot’s deep insight into human
    During the twentieth century there were numerous films and television plays and serials of her novels, placing her in a category with Shakespeare and Dickens. The distinguished literary critic, Harold Bloom, wrote that she was one of the greatest Western writers of all time.
    George Eliot lived with her father until his death in 1849. He was something of bully and while in his house she lived a life a conformity, even regularly attending church. She was thirty when he died and it was at that point that her life took off. She travelled in Europe and on her return, with the intention of writing, she was offered the editorship of the journal, The Westminster Review, she met many influential men and began an affair with the married George Lewes. They lived together openly, something that was not done at the time, and, when she became famous after the publication of her first novel, Adam Bede, when she was forty, using the name George Eliot, their domestic arrangements scandalised Victorian society.
    Lewes’ health failed and after his death she married John Cross, a literary agent twenty years her junior. After Adam Bede more novels followed swiftly on it heels.
    She died in 1880, aged sixty-one, and is buried in Highgate Cemetery beside George Lewes.
    A. Write ‘TRUE’ for the true statements and ‘FALSE’ for the false ones. (5×1=5)
    (a) The real name of George Eliot is Mary Ann Evans.
    (b) George Eliot used to write novels based on religion.
    (c) Shakespeare was also placed in Eliot’s category.
    (d) Harold Bloom was a famous literary critic.
    (e) George lewes is Eliot’s husband.
    B. Match the meanings in column A with the correct words given in column B. (5×1=5)
    Column A Column B
    (a) that lives or lasts for ever (i) overestimate
    (b) very successful and liked by others (ii) influential
    (c) having a lot of influence on (iii) domestic
    (d) connected with the home or family (iv) immortal
    (e) to calculate something to be better (v) distinguished
    (vi) reform
    C. Answer the following questions. (5×1=5)
    (a) Name the most popular novel written by George Eliot.
    (b) What kind of novels did Eliot write?
    (c) What made Eliot famous during the twentieth century?
    (d) How was the relationship between George Eliot and her father?
    (e) Why did George Eliot marry John cross?
  5. Suppose that you are going to start a restaurant in your own locality after SEE. Prepare a menu of food items available at your restaurant with the help of given clues in bout 100 words. 5
    Clues : Name of your locality ………… snacks ……… drinks ……….. lunch ……… dinner ………. Home like environment
  6. Write a news story with the help of the given clues in about 100
    words. 5

    A rich merchant …………. kidnapped in Kathmandu ……… 46 years old ……. Named Jivan Pandey ………… returning from ABC bank ……… kidnapped by a gang ………….. Rs.30,00,000/- ransom …………. police investigation going on ………
  7. Compose a dialogue between two friends talking about the importance of home made food in about 150 words write at least six exchanges. 6
  8. Many people consider that we should not be discouraged by failures in life. We should rather take our failures as an opportunity to correct our mistakes and achieve success next time. Write a letter to your friend who is not getting success as s/he is expected convincing, him/her failure as pillar of success.” Include relevant examples as well. 8
  9. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets. (6×1=6)
    (a) Let’s go out from this hall, …………? (Add a question tag.)
    (b) Kedar never watches television. (Change into affirmative sentence)
    (c) She has been practising yoga for 10 years. (Change into ‘How long’ question)
    (d) As soon as I saw the house, I (like) it. (Use correct tense of the verb ‘like’.)
    (e) Somebody has criticized me. (Change into passive voice.)
    (f) Sima said to me, “Where do you live these days?” (Change into indirect speech)
  10. Choose and copy the correct answer. Rewriting is not required. (10×0.5=5)
    As every year, there (a) …………. (is/ was/ were/ are) a lot of enthusiasm in people to celebrate Ganesh Chauthi. Ganesh Puja is performed to celebrate this festival, for (b) ……………. (whom/ which/ when/ whose) a gentleman of the village always assigned the task of making a large idol of Lord Ganesh to a sculptor, so that the people of the village (c) ……………. (will/ can/ could/ should/) worship Lord Ganesh.
    This year, he entrusted the task to (d) …………… (a/ an/ the/ nothing) sculptor, but the sculptor was not the one who had made the previous one. He belonged to another religion but he was very humble. After some days, the man wanted to check whether the idol was ready or not. Suddenly, he went to the sculptor, and saw that he (e) ……….. (makes/ made/ is making/ was making) an idol of Ganesh. He also noticed that an idol of Lord Ganesh was already prepared and kept aside.
    When he asked (f) ………….. (why he had made/ why did he make/ to make/ if he made) two idols as he had ordered for only one. The sculptor replied that it (g) ………. (made/ was made/ would make/ will be made) as ordered, but by mistake, his wife touched it with dirty hands (h) ……….. (Although/ However/ Therefore/ Because) he was making a new one so that it could prevent people (i) ……………. (to/ with/ by/ from) worshipping an unholy idol. The man was amazed to hear his answer and praised him as he devoted himself (j) ……….. (generously/ generous/ generosity/ generousness) to other religions.

The End

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