15 Min Read

Reading and Writing (Written Test)

Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. Figures in the margin indicate the full marks.

Time: 3 hrs

Full Marks : 75

Attempt all the questions.

  1. Read the following text and answer the questions that follow. (5×1=5)
    Sarah and Jamie stood on their tiptoe and gave the card from their school to the tall man behind the counter of a farm. The man frowned and made a face.
    “So you’re looking for some work, And who are you?” “I’m Sarah. I’m twelve. This is my brother Jamie; he’s eleven.”
    “Shouldn’t you be at school?”
    “We are on holiday. And would like to earn some money and support our parents.” The man lifted his hat and scratched his head. “Working in the farm is a quite tough job for kids like you. I need somebody big and strong to work here,” he said.
    “There must be some work for us in this big farm. Could you please find one?” Sarah pleaded.
    “And right. Let’s see. Do you know what a Cabbage White is?” the man asked.
    “Yes, it’s a beautiful white butterfly that lays its eggs on cabbages. And those eggs change into caterpillars.”, answered Sarah.
    “And do you know what the caterpillars do?”
    “They eat the cabbage leaves!” shouted Jamie.
    (a) Where were Sarah and Jamie?
    (b) Why did they go there?
    (c) Why did the man scratch his head?
    (d) What do you mean by Cabbage White?
    (e) What do you think their work would be there?
  2. Read the following text and do the tasks. (10 )
    Cyber Security : Basic Internet Safety Tips
    When you want to make your home secure, you lock the door. When you want to prevent your bike from being stolen, you use a bike lock. When you want to protect your valuable possessions, you keep them in a safe. But what do you do to protect your identity online? Modern life is fundamentally intertwined with the internet. Nearly every daily task now has the opportunity for online integration, and almost everyone owns multiple devices, including laptops, phones, tablets, smart watches, smart TVs and many more. The more accounts and
    devices you have online, the greater the potential is for criminals to access your personal information and take advantage of you.
    Online safety is important no matter your age or life stage, but there are particular concerns for certain vulnerable groups like children, teenagers and senior citizens.
    When it comes to internet safety, it’s best to start with the basics. Here are some tips to guide you as you evaluate your online habits and make small changes to ensure your privacy and security on the internet.
    While creating a new password, pay attention to strong password requirements. Use different user IDs or password combinations for different accounts, Make the password more complicated by combining letters, numbers, and special characters and create hard-to-guess passwords, and keep them private. Change your passwords quite often. Don’t share your passwords with other people. Make sure passwords and password hints are stored securely. Record passwords in an encrypted file on your computer, or select another secure password storage method. Avoid writing them down. Prevent “auto-login”, uncheck “Keep me signed in” and “Remember my password” options.
    A. Write “TRUE” for true and “FALSE” for the false statement. (5×1=5)
    (i) We use door lock to save our bike from being stolen.
    (ii) Internet has become an essential part in our daily life.
    (iii) There is a high chance of cyber crimes if we have many accounts and devices.
    (iv) It is needless to ensure our privacy on the Internet.
    (v) We should write passwords to remember in the future.
    B. Answer the following questions. (5×1 =5)
    (i) How do you save your valuable things?
    (ii) Who are prone to be victimized on cyber world?
    (iii) What do you need to do for your cyber safety?
    (iv) Who is this text for?
    (v) Who do you think is responsible for cyber crime? How?
  3. Read the following text and do the task: 10
    Lumbini is located in Rupandehi district of Southern Nepal close to the Indian border and inscribed on the UNESCO world Heritage list. It is renowned for being the official birth place of Siddhartha Gautam who became the Buddha.
    The main site is known as Lumbini Development Zone which is sealed in by a perimeter fence. There are lots of beautiful places to visit some of them are listed as;
    i) Lumbini Temple/ Temple of Mayadevi : Walk inside the temple built over the spot Buddha was born.
    ii) Mayadevi Pond : Where Buddha’s mother is said to have bathed before giving birth to him.
    iii) Lumbini Museum : Historic manuscripts and item from the area.
    iv) Bodhi Tree : impressive tree covered in prayer flags beside the sacred pond.
    v) Ashoka Pillar : stone pillar dedicated to emperor Ashokan.
    vi) Buddhist Temples : 2nd century BC temples to modern day temples.
    vii) Crane Sanctuary : This natural reserve has been put aside as a safe area for local birds, including the Saris Cranes.
    viii) We can get access to Lumbini by flight or by bus. One can fly to Bhairahawa from Kathmandu; then take a bus, taxi or rickshaw to Lumbini which is about 30 minutes away. By bus, it is cheaper and more frequent route to Lumbini. You can approach Lumbini in a reasonable amount of time by bus. From Kathmandu it’s 6-9 hours; from Pokhara it’s 6-9 hours and from Chitwan it’s 5-6 hours.
    A. Fill in he blanks with the correct words from the text above. (5×1 =5)
    (a) Lumbini lies in …………….. district of Southern Nepal.
    (b) Lumbini is well-known for being ……….. of Siddhartha Gautam.
    (c) Siddhartha Gautam’s mother took bath in …….. pond before giving birth to him.
    (d) Ashoka Pillar is dedicated to ………..
    (e) It takes about ………….. minutes to get to Lumbini from Bhairahawa by bus.
    B. Answer the following questions. (5×1=5)
    (a) Write down any two attractions of Lumbini.
    (b) How is Lumbini Development Zone sealed in?
    (c) How much time does a bus take to get to the birth place of Gautam Buddha from Kathmandu?
    (d) What does the word ‘manuscripts’ refer to in the text?
    (e) Do you think Lumbini is one of the world’s major touristinviting places? Why?
  4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. 15
    Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high school. She became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French University, where she earned her Master’s degree and doctorate in Physics.
    Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the Physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered
    radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heart breaking anguish. The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress.
    Marie was asked to succeed her husband as a Physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at the world-famous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although she eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned about her work.
    A. Match the words in column ‘A’ with the words having similar meanings in column B. (5×1=5)
    Column A Column B
    (a) anguish (i) lucky
    (b) displayed (ii) finally
    (c) fortunate (iii) showed
    (d) eventually (iv) mental and physical pain
    (e) brilliant (v) cheerful
    (vi) exceptionally talented
    B. Write ‘TRUE‘ for the true statement and ‘FALSE’ for the false statement. (5×1=5)
    (a) Marie was the daughter of a professor.
    (b) She got her doctorate in physics from Poland.
    (c) Pierre Curie was a great scientist of his day.
    (d) Marie brought up her two young daughters after her husband’s death.
    (e) Marie got the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1911.
    C. Answer the following questions. (5×1=5)
    (a) When was Marie born?
    (b) Why did Marie leave Poland?
    (c) How was Marie’s husband killed?
    (d) What are two different reasons greatly distressed her according to the text?
    (e) How does this lesson motivate you?
  5. Write a paragraph stating the advantages of walking as a physical exercise in about 100 words. You can use the given clues. 5
    Clues : walking – physical activity – minimizes heart diseases – connects one with people and places – mental health – sound mind in sound body – controls obesity
  6. Write a news story with the help of the given clues in about 100 words. 5
    Mr. ABC Rai …………. a six (6) years child of XYZ school ………… way to his school through the jungle …….. lost in the jungle ……….. after 3
    days rescued by a group of woodcutter ………… parents heartily thanked
    the woodcutters.
  7. Write a set of six rules and regulations to be followed by the patients in a hospital in about 150 words. 6
  8. A large number of youths and professional leave Nepal and migrate abroad each year. Write a letter to your friend who lives in a foreign country expressing your opinion about the effects of such migration. Also include suggestions and solutions to the problems caused by such migration in about 200 words. 8
  9. Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in the brackets. (6×1=6)
    (a) Let me play ………….. ? (supply the correct question tag)
    (b) Has the man had a bath? (change into statement)
    (c) She has been working here for five years. (Change into ‘How long’ question)
    (d) Don’t make a noise ! I ………. (read) (Use the correct tense of the verb read)
    (e) “Do not touch that paper, “said the inspector. (Change into indirect speech)
    (f) Did they finalize the date? (Change into passive voice)
  10. Choose and copy the correct answer. Rewriting is not required. (10×0.5=5)
    Once there was a well in a forest. One day, a fox was walking by ………
    (a) ……… (a/ an/ the/ no article) well. Suddenly, he slipped …….. (b) ………. (into/ on/ to/ from) the well. The well was very deep, ……… (c) …….. (so/ however/ therefore/ so that) he could not come out of the well. He made lots of efforts, ……….. (d) ……… (didn’t he/ don’t he/ doesn’t he/
    isn’t he) ? At the same time, a thirsty goat ………….. (e) …….. (has passed/ pass/ was passing/ is passing) by the well and saw the fox in the well. The goat asked the fox ……… (f) ……… (what he was doing/was he doing/ what he did/what he does) there. The clever fox replied that he had been there to drink water. He further said, the water there was very good. Hearing that, the goat ….. (g) ….. (jumped/ was jumped/ is jumped/ jump) into the well at once. The fox stepped onto the back of the goat and jumped out of the well easily. The poor goat ……… (h) …….. (was/ were/ is/ are) left to die there in he well. The persuasive words of the clever fox made the goat …….. (i) ……… (jump/ to jump/ jumped/had jumped) into the well. If the goat had thought properly, it
    ………. (j) ……… would not have died/ would die/ will die/ to die) there.

The End

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