Study of Miracidium Larva (Fasciola Hepatica): Diagram & Comments

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Miracidium Larva of Fasciola Hepatica


1) Miracidium larva comes out from the fertilized egg and leads  a free life.

2) It is microscopic,  dorsoventrally flattened, conical in shape, free-swimming larval stage.

3) The body is uniformly covered with cilia.

4)  Anterior end is produced into a conical lobe, the apical papilla.

5) Internal structures: apical gland, cephalic or penetration glands, brain, two  eye spots, two flame cells, rudimentary  gut and germ cells are seen.

6)  Miracidium larva  swims in search of an intermediate host  which is limnaea  trancatula for about 4-30 hours.

7) If it does not come in contact with a suitable host, it dies.

8)  After getting the suitable host, it is pierced into the tissues of the snail by apical papilla.

mirocidium larve of fassicola hepatics

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