Study Of Museum Specimen Of Fasciola hepatica (Platyhelminthes) With Comment And Diagram 

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Comment of Fasciola hepatica


Fasciola hepatica is cosmopolitan in distribution through sheep raising areas. In the USA and India it is endemic.

Habit and Habitat:

Fasciola hepatica is found as an endoparasite in the bile ducts of the liver of sheep.

General characters:

1) Fasciola hepatica is commonly known as liver Fluke.

2) Body is leaf-like, dorso-ventrally Flattened measures 25-30mm in length and 4-5m in breath.

3) Mouth is situated at the anterior end and its surrounded by the oral sucker. .

4)  Excretory pore lies at the extreme posterior end of the body.

5)  Life cycle is complicated and includes an intermediate host, lymnaea, a mollusc.

6)  Liver-Fluke causes a disease known as liver rot.

7)  Hermaphroditic. Male system consists of testes, vasa deferentia,seminal vesicle,  ejaculatory duct and penis, while Female system comprises ovary, uterus and vitelline glands.

Economic Importances:

Fasciola Hepatica causes liver rot in sheep.

Diagram of Fasciola hepatica

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