Comments of Eupagurus
Eupagurus is cosmopolitan. It is found at bombay and Goa Beaches, from Alaska to lower california and Florida.
Habit and Habitat:
These crabs inhabit the majority of seabed types along coastlines, with the exception of muddy bottoms, including stony and shell bottoms, sea grass beds, and sandy or silty sediments. Although they can be found as deep as 200 m, common hermit crabs are often found at depths up to 80 m.
General characters:
1) Eupagurus is commonly known as hermit crab.
2) Body is elongated, asymmetrical and consists of cephalothorax and abdomen.
3) Cephalothorax is broad and flattened.
4) Head bears a pair of stalked elongated eyes, a pair of short antennules and a pair of large antennas.
5) The last pair of abdominal appendages on uropods are hook-liked and are adopted to cling to the shell.
Economic importance:
The most important and valuable are the edible crab of the British and European coasts.
Diagram of Eupagurus