Comment of Cucumaria:
Cucumaria is cosmopolitan in distribution. This is commonly found in Europe, U.S.A and India.
Habit and Habitat:
Cucumaria is marine. They are found at all depth from shallow to vary deep water and are primarily of benthic and sluggish habit. Some live in rocky crevices and crannies and among corals and seaweeds, but the majority are found on sandy bottoms, either fully exposed or wholly or partially in mud.
General characters:
1) Cucumaria is commonly known as sea cucumber.
2) Body is elongated, cylindrical with the mouth and anus at opposite ends.
3) Mouth bears ten highly dendritic or branched tentacles.
4) The smooth, thin and collar-like region of the base of tentacles is known as introvert.
5) Anus is terminal placed on the aboral end.
6) Respiratory trees are present .
7) Sexes are separate ,gonads are arranged in two tufts.
Economic Importance:
Cucumaria:- Serve a useful role in the marine ecosystem as they help recycle nutrients, breaking down detriful and other organic matter after which bacteria can continue the degradation process.
Diagram of Cucumaria: