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Typical vertebra of Frog
i) In frog 2-7 vertebrae are typical in structure.
ii) Centrum is procoelous.
iii) It is ring-like having a large hole called the neural canal.
Axis vertebra of Varanus
i) It is the second vertebra of the cervical region.
ii) It resembles the typical cervical vertebra in structure but is slightly.
iii) The neural spine is vertical and crest-like.
iv) Post and pre zygapophyses are present.
Axis vertebra of Fowl
i) It is the second vertebra of the cervical region.
ii) Transverse process and ribs are absent.
iii) Centrum is produced in front of an odontoid process.
iv) Neural spine is blunt.
Axis vertebra of Rabbit
i) It is the 2nd cervical vertebra.
ii) Centrum is acoelous or flat.
iii) Post zygapophyses are present.
iv) Transverse processes are entirely absent.