Pectoral girdle of Frog
i) Present in the thoracic region and provide attachment to fore-limbs and their muscles.
ii) Protects the inner softer part of thorax.
iii) It consists of two similar halves, united mid-ventrally and separated dorsally.
Pectoral girdle of Varanus
i) It is composed of two similar halves, one lying on either side of the inner clavicle and sternum.
ii) Each half of the pectoral girdle consists of scopula, supra scopula, coracoid and epicoracoid.
Pectoral girdle of Fowl
i) It is a very stout bony structure connected with the sternum on
either side to support the wings.
ii) On either side, it consists of a scapula, coracoid and a clavicle.
iii) Scapula is a long flattened sobre-shaped bone lying above the thoracic ribs and parallel to the vertebral column.
Pectoral girdle of Rabbit
i) Two halves of the pectoral girdle are separate due to the presence of thoracic ribs.
ii) The pectoral girdle is composed of scopula, coracoid, spine, Supra-scopula.