Lower jaw of Frog
i) It is composed of two halves or rami.
ii) Two rami are united anteriorly by a ligament.
iii) Teeth entirely absent.
iv) Each ramus consists of three portions, mentomeckelian, dentary and angulo splenial.
Lower jaw of Varanus
i) It consists of two rami which meet anteriorly.
ii) Each ramus consists of six bones, i.e articular, angular, supra- angular, coronoid, splenial and dentary around an axial Meckel’s cartilage.
iii) Articular is posterior bone, angular is small splint like bone fitted between dentary.
Lower jaw of Fowl
i) The lower jaw consists of two long laterally compressed rami which are firmly united in front.
ii) Each ramus is composed of five bones i·e one replacing bone the articular and four investing bones the angular, supra-angular, dentary and splenial.
Lower jaw of Rabbit
i) It comprises two rami, the dentaries, meeting in front by a suture.
ii) Each dentary is more or less triangular and flattened plate-like.
iii) The anterior part of each dentary is stout and bears along its upper surface sockets for incisor and grinding teeth (premolars and molars).