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Fused thoracic vertebra of Frog
i) It is formed by the fusion of the last cervical vertebra and three anterior thoracic vertebrae.
ii) The centrum is heterocoelous.
iii) Neural arches and transverse processes are fused with each other.
Free thoracic vertebra of Frog
i) It is the 4th vertebra of the thoracic region.
ii) The centrum is heterocoelous and the neural arch is well developed.
iii) Neural spine is well developed and pointed.
Anterior thoracic vertebra of Rabbit
i) Centrum is short and acoelous.
ii) Transverse processes are short, stout & horizontal.
iii) Neural spine is very long, slender & backwardly directed.
iv) Pre and post zygapophyses are present.
Posterior thoracic vertebra of Rabbit
i) Centrum is large and acoelous
ii) Neural spine is small, vertical and somewhat compressed.
iii) Pre and post zygapophyses are present.