Humerus of Frog
i) It is a bone of the forelimb and is short, stout with a slightly curved shaft.
ii) Its proximal end or head fits into the glenoid cavity of the pectoral girdle.
iii) Head is covered with calcified cartilage.
iv) Ridge below the head is known as deltoid ridge.
v) Trochlea articulates with the groove of radio-ulna.
Humerus of Varanus
i) It has an elongated shaft whose both ends are expanded.
ii) Proximal end bear head fitting into glenoid cavity of pectoral girdle.
iii) Distal end has pulley like trochlea divisible into radial and ulnar condyle by which it articulates with radius & ulna.
iv) Deltoid ridge is present between the heads.
Humerus of Fowl
i) It is the bone of the upper arm of the fore-limb.
ii) It is an elongated bone expanded at both ends.
iii) The proximal end is expanded into a smooth convex surface of the head which fits into the glenoid cavity.
iv) The distal end possesses a trochlear surface for the articulation with the radius and ulna.
Humerus of Rabbit
i) It is the bone of the upper arm of the fore-limb.
ii) It is elongated and expanded at the proximal end forming a rounded knob-like head.
iii) Head fits into the glenoid cavity of the pectoral girdle.
iv) Greater and lesser tuberosities are present at the side head.