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Cavia porcellus is found in India, Burma and Pakistan.
i) Cavia porcellus is commonly called guinea pig.
ii) The body is divisible into the head, neck & trunk.
iii) The body is covered with hairs.
iv) Snout is provided with stiff hairs called vibrissae.
v) The upper lip is blind or clefted in the middle exposing the incisors.
vi) The eyes are placed on the sides of the head and are with movable upper and lower eyelids without eyelash.
vii) Pinnae are lobe-like and are situated behind the eyes.
viii) Tail is absent.
ix) Female has a slit like vulva & male with a cylindrical penis.
i) Sold as pets and in South America as food.
ii) Flair and dander can cause severe ȧllergic reaction.