Comments on V.S. of skin of Frog
Vertical section of skin of mammal shows the following histological structures:
i)The skin or integument consists of two distinct layers, the outer ectodermal epidermis and inner mesodermal dermis.
ii) Epidermis is made of outer stratum corneum of flattened dead horny cells arranged in one or two layers which is cast off as squamous epithelium and inner stratum malpighi.
iii) Dermis consist largely of connective tissue differentiated into
two distinct byer, outer Spongy and inner compact.
iv) Spongy layer consists of mucous glands, blood vessels, nerve fibers, lymph spaces and melanophores, a compact layer made up of dense fibrous connective tissue.
Function – Protects the body, production of mucus to keep the skin moist and slippery
Comments on V.S of skin of Rabbit.
i) Skin is composed of two layers i.e outer layer epidermis and inner layer dermis
ii) Epidermis comprises stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum and stratum germinativum.
iii) The dermis consist of dense areolar connective tissue, muscle fiber, blood vessels, nerves and glands.
iv) Presence of hairs and glands
Function – Protection of body, conservation of heat, sensory.