Determine Solubility of Barium Chloride in Water

3 Min Read


Conical flask / Beaker, Weighing balance, Evaporating dish,Pipette.


Barium chloride, Water


Solubility is often expressed as the number of milliliters of solvent needed to dissolve 1 gram of solute to make a saturated solution. Solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in a given amount of solvent to form a saturated solution for solids, solubility is often described in terms of how much of the solid can dissolve in a specific volume of solvent, such as water Solubility serves as a measure of how much of a substance can dissolve in a specific amount of solvent to form a saturated solution, providing valuable information about the substance’s behavior in solution.

TermParts of solvent required to dissolve 1 part of solute
very solubleless than 1 part
freely soluble1 to 10 parts
Soluble10 to 30 parts
Sparingly soluble30 to 100 parts
Slightly soluble100 to 1000 parts
very slightly soluble1000 to 10,000 parts
Practically insolubleMore than 10,000 parts


An increasing amount of barium chloride was added to about 50 ml water in a conical flask/beaker with shaking/stirring until the solution was saturated and a part of solid was left undissolved (around 20gm barium chloride was required). The solution was filtered and 10ml of the filtrate was pipetted out into a tared (preweighed) evaporating dish. The dish containing 10 ml filtrate was weighed. The filtrate was evaporated to dryness & further dried at about 100°C in an oven. Then it was cooled and weighed. Drying was continued till a constant weight was obtained.


Room temperature:  °C

i) Weight of empty dish (W₁) = 85.01gm

ii) Weight of dish + 10ml solution (W2) = 97.55gm

iii) Weight of dish + dry solution in gm/powder remaining after drying (W3) = 88.44gm


weight of solute in 10 ml solution = W3-W1

                                                     = 88.44-85.01

                                                     = 3.43gm

weight of solvent in 10 ml solution = W2-W3

                                                       = 97.55-88.44

                                                       = 9.11gm

volume of solvent in ml = weight of solvent/density of solvent (water)

                                      = 9.11/1

                                      = 9.11 ml

Solubility is the parts of solvent required for 1 part of solute.

3.43gm of solute requires 9.11 ml of water

1gm of solute requires 9.71/3.43 ml of water

                              i.e. 2.65 ml of water


The solubility of barium chloride in water at room tempeture  is 1 in 2.65ml. Hence, the given sample of barium chloride is freely soluble in water.

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