Verify Ohm’s Law and Determine Resistance of Thin Film Resistor

4 Min Read


1. Ammeter

2. Voltmeter

3. Resistance wire.

4. Key

5. Thread

S. Voltmeter

6. Connecting wires.

7. E.m.f source (battery or amplifier)

8. Thin film resistor.


Ohm law states that at constant temperature, the current (I) flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (V) applied across its ends. i.e.

  I XV


  VX I

or, V=IR

Where, ‘R’ is proportionality constant called the resistance of the conductor.

If we plot a graph between voltage(V) and current (I) .Straight line passing through origin is obtained. The slope of the straight line gives the value of resistance of the conductor.

For Resistivity

It has been found that the resistance of conductor is

1. Directly proportional to the length of the conductor i.e. RxL ——— (i)

2. Inversely proportional to cross sectional area of conductor

 i.e. RX1/A—-(ii)

Combining equation (i) and (ii) we get.

R x l/A 

or, R= p L/A ——–(iii)

Where, ‘P’ is the proportionality constant and called the resistivity of the material at the conductor and its value is constant for a single material at constant temperature.

Now A = πd² / 4  (for cylindrical wire)

Where d is the diameter of the wire 

Then, equation (111) comes

R= pl /(πd² / 4)

or, R= 4pl / πd²

or P = R.πd² / 4L

In case of the film resistor

A=width x thickness

R= pl/A  = pl/ b x t.


No.of obs.Length of wireAmmeter reading (l)Voltmeter reading Increasing    mean volt    R = V/IMean Rremarks
1L1 =0.50.6               0.6                 1.2
20.91.4               1.4                  1.551.4725
31.42.2               2.2                  1.57
1L₂ =11.4                1.4                  1.4
21.52.1                2.1                  1.4
31.93                    3                     1.571.505
1L31.11.6                 1.6                  1.45
223.3                 3.3                  1.65
32.54.5                 4.5                  1.81.665

Value of 10 smallest division: 1A  (of ammeter)

Valve of 1 smallest division: 0.1A  (of ammeter)

Value of 10 smallest division: 1V (of voltmeter)

Value of 1 smallest division: 0.1V (of voltmeter)


For each I-V graph, straight line passing through the origin is obtained. Hence, Ohm’s law is verified.


1. All the connection should be clean and tidy

2. The reading of balance points should be taken carefully.

3. The current shouldn’t be passed continuously for very long time

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